Be on cloud to kill Piracy

Cloud computing has been hot on the charts of IT organizations for quite some time now. Everybody is talking about the great potential of this technology.
Cloud Computing in brief
According to Gartner, cloud computing is
“A style of computing where massively scalable IT enabled capabilities are delivered as a service to external customers using Internet technologies”

Cloud computing is expected to reduce the CAPEX/OPEX costs as everything right from Server to Space, from pre-built applications to application development environment, from email to CRM is available on cloud. The key to reduced cost is the pricing model of pay as you use. Major players like Google, Microsoft, Amazon have some or other form of Cloud offering on their portfolio.
Apart from the obvious benefits, I feel Cloud computing can help cure a very deadly disease called "Piracy" which has infected and troubled the Organization for decades now. 

The loophole used for Piracy
Typically, the consumer applications are activated using a Key received after paying for the software. The issue is that somebody can get hold of the key, that’s it, a single license can be used by multiple people. Also there are hackers who I don’t know how but manage to publish multiple keys to activate soft wares.

How Cloud computing can help?
Its simple, the core application is to be hosted on a cloud. The user will have to install a thin client and have internet connection to access the Core application. In most of the cases, the thin client would be the web browser. For using the core application , one has to purchase a subscription. The concept of activation key would completely vanish. And so the chances of piracy based on activation key is greatly reduced.
Cloud based applications are not only immune to Piracy but also serve as a great customer satisfaction tool.
Because the application is cloud, the end user is saved from the hassle of application updates. The thin client would have new versions but not as frequent as the core application.
The limitation of accessing the application from the Desktop/laptop on which it is installed is eradicated as the only
There hurdle of getting to know how the user uses the software is crossed. The users do not welcome the idea of somebody peeping in their desktop. Also the software usually performing this activity is identified as Malware and removed by anti-virus.
What can go on Cloud
Anitvirus, Productivity softwares are best candidates for this approach. Infact, there a few organization providing this options…
There is a whole suite of products available from Microsoft which includes the well known Microsoft Office also.
Google is not far behind and it has everything on cloud

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