ONE THING on OKRs and Extras

The structure of OKRs is simple: You set a high-level inspiring goal like “Get real traction for our app.” This is your Objective. You then define three or so measures that will tell you if you have succeeded. “Traction” might be measured in terms of users, revenue, or conversion. These are your Key Results, and they will depend on your particular company and product.

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To these well-known concepts, I like to add a list of Initiatives. These are separate from Key Results. They are the activities or deliverables that you hope will drive your Key Results. I also add Health Metrics (also called KPIs), things you monitor in the background like uptime or team morale. To learn more, you can listen to a podcast I did with my friend Janna Bastow, CEO of ProdPad.

A few weeks back, I wrote a One Thing on Hairy Personas. David Daniels wrote in, asking “I am interested in a tool or framework to build personas to confirm/reject product market fit by target audience.” Got brilliant answers? Ping me.