The real cost of adding a new feature

Do you really understand all the costs of building a new feature and how it impacts your business?

Caio Flores
Product Coalition
Published in
9 min readAug 15, 2020


I was reading an awesome article from Reforge on Product Strategy where they mention different strategies for different moments of a product.

One thing that called my attention was what they call the “Feature work” problem.

Feature work, in this context, means that you’ll try to increment your product to capture more value from your customers by offering a new feature to them.because I see many startups following this strategy as the only possible one which normally ends up with a feature creep product

I see many startups following this strategy as the only possible one which normally ends up with a feature creep product. If you work on a startup that is still struggling to find Product-market fit you probably heard things like:

We’re not selling enough because we need to build feature X and Y. After that, we’ll start growing a lot!

We lost this customer because we don’t have feature X, I told you!



I'm a Product Manager now working with Crypto. I write about Product, Crypto, Startups, Technology and other stuff