The Evolution of Github: A Revolution in Code Collaboration

Advait Lad
Product Coalition
Published in
6 min readFeb 29, 2024



In the expansive universe of software development, few platforms have wielded as much influence and innovation as GitHub. From its inception as a code hosting service to its current status as the epicenter of collaborative coding, GitHub’s evolution has been a testament to the power of community, creativity, and continuous improvement. Join us as we embark on a journey through the captivating evolution of GitHub, exploring its transformative milestones, strategic adaptations, and the revolutionary impact of recent additions like GitHub Copilot.

The Origin: A Fun Weekend In 2008

The GitHub saga commenced in 2008 when three men envisioned a platform that would democratize software development and foster collaboration on a global scale. After working together on a fun weekend project in 2008, Tom Preston-Werner, Chris Wanstrath, and PJ Hyett established the code hosting platform GitHub. They soon came to the conclusion that their weekend endeavor might turn into something more.

By providing developers with a centralized hub to share code, collaborate on projects, and build communities, GitHub revolutionized the way software was developed, shared, and distributed. As GitHub gained traction, its user base swelled to millions, reflecting the platform’s growing influence and appeal within the developer community. By 2012, GitHub had surpassed 2.5 million users, signaling a monumental shift in the landscape of software development and version control.

Empowering coders to shape the future.
— GitHub’s Vision Statement

Innovative Features and User-Centric Design: Redefining Collaboration

As GitHub continued to expand its footprint, it introduced a bunch of innovative features and design enhancements to cater to the evolving needs of developers and teams worldwide.

In 2011, GitHub unveiled GitHub Pages, a feature that allowed developers to host static websites directly from their repositories. This groundbreaking addition empowered developers to showcase their projects, documentation, and portfolios with unparalleled ease and flexibility.

In 2018, GitHub launched GitHub Actions, a powerful automation tool that enabled developers to build, test, and deploy code directly within their repositories. With Actions, developers could automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and accelerate development cycles, driving productivity and efficiency to new heights.

In addition to its innovative features, GitHub underwent several design iterations to enhance usability and accessibility, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience for developers of all skill levels. From its clean and minimalist interface to its robust search and navigation tools, GitHub prioritized user-centric design principles to foster collaboration and creativity within its community. Jacinthe Busson, who runs the site UX Timeline, has compiled a timeline of Github’s website changes from 2008 to the present.

GitHub Copilot: Revolutionizing Coding with AI

In 2021, GitHub made waves in the developer community with the introduction of GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered code completion tool built in collaboration with OpenAI. Leveraging the power of machine learning and natural language processing, GitHub Copilot suggests code snippets, provides real-time code examples, and assists developers in writing code faster and more efficiently than ever before.

GitHub Copilot represents a paradigm shift in the way developers write code, offering unprecedented assistance and productivity gains across a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. By analyzing code patterns, documentation, and context, GitHub Copilot accelerates development workflows, reduces cognitive load, and empowers developers to focus on solving complex problems and building innovative solutions — saving developers hours of manual work.

“We’re moving away from a digital transformation to an AI transformation for a lot of these enterprise companies. It might even become a productivity polarity between those who use it and those who don’t.”

— Mario Rodriguez, GitHub’s VP of Product

The launch of Copilot Enterprise came just one year after GitHub crossed 100 million users, with which it established itself as an industry standard for software collaboration.

Strategic Changes, Pricing, and Revenue

GitHub’s journey has been punctuated by strategic changes aimed at enhancing its value proposition and market position. One notable strategic shift occurred in 2018 when Microsoft acquired GitHub for $7.5 billion. This acquisition signaled a new chapter in GitHub’s evolution, enabling the platform to leverage Microsoft’s resources, expertise, and industry partnerships to accelerate innovation and scale its operations globally.

By joining forces, the two companies will strengthen our commitment to developer freedom, openness and innovation … [We] will do our best to work to empower every developer to build, innovate and solve the world’s most pressing challenges

Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO

GitHub’s strategic positioning can also be seen from its initiative outside its product.

Based on the needs of the market, GitHub made strategic changes to its offerings and pricing model. It is actively engaged with its community which is arguably the heart of GitHub’s success. Through initiatives like Hacktoberfest, GitHub Universe, and the GitHub Student Developer Pack, GitHub actively engages with its community, providing resources, mentorship, and opportunities for skill development and networking.

Hacktoberfest, an annual celebration of open source, invites developers to contribute to open-source projects throughout October. In 2022, Hacktoberfest attracted over 145,000 participants. Furthermore, Hacktoberfest has seen over 2.35 million accepted merge/pull requests to open-source projects in its nine years, highlighting the immense impact and reach of GitHub’s community-driven initiatives.

  • Initial Model (2008–2011): GitHub started with a straightforward model, offering both free and paid plans based on the number of private repositories. Free users had access to limited features, while paid plans ranged from $7 to $200 per month for individuals and organizations, depending on the number of private repositories and collaborators.
  • Introduction of GitHub Enterprise (2011): Recognizing the needs of larger organizations, GitHub introduced GitHub Enterprise, a self-hosted version tailored for enterprise use. Pricing for GitHub Enterprise was structured on a per-user subscription model, with costs ranging from $21 to $48 per user per month, depending on the tier and support level selected.
  • Expansion and Organizations (2012–2015): GitHub expanded its offerings by introducing organizations, and providing tools for team management and collaboration. Pricing for organizations was tiered based on the number of users, starting at $25 per month for the Bronze plan (5 users) and going up to $200 per month for the Platinum plan (50 users), with custom pricing available for larger teams.
  • GitHub Actions (2018): In 2018, GitHub launched GitHub Actions, an automation tool designed to streamline development workflows. Initially, GitHub Actions was free for public repositories, with paid options introduced later for private repositories based on usage. Prices for private repositories started at $4 per month for 1,000 GitHub Actions minutes and increased based on usage.
  • Microsoft Acquisition and Changes (2018–2019): Following Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub, the platform underwent adjustments to pricing tiers and introduced GitHub Pro, a subscription plan tailored for individual developers and small teams. GitHub Pro was priced at $4 per month for unlimited public and private repositories, providing additional features such as code reviews and project management tools.
  • GitHub Packages and Ongoing Innovation (2019-Present): GitHub continued to innovate its pricing model with the integration of GitHub Packages, a package hosting service, into existing plans. Additionally, the introduction of features like GitHub Copilot demonstrated GitHub’s commitment to providing cutting-edge tools and services to developers while ensuring pricing remained competitive and aligned with user needs.

GitHub’s revenue has grown steadily over the years, driven by increasing adoption of its paid subscription plans and strategic partnerships with enterprises and organizations. As of 2023, GitHub was estimated to be generating $1 billion in Annual Recurring Revenue, a testament to its growing influence and market presence within the software development ecosystem.

Despite facing competition from platforms like GitLab and Bitbucket, GitHub remains the dominant force in the code hosting and version control space, holding a market share estimated between 70% and 85%. Its user-friendly interface, extensive features, and large, active community of over 100 million developers solidified its position as the go-to platform for many developers. While competitors like GitLab offer features specific to larger organizations and Bitbucket integrates seamlessly with the Atlassian ecosystem, GitHub’s first-mover advantage and continuous development efforts ensure its continued relevance in the market.


Embracing Collaboration for the Future

As GitHub continues to evolve and expand its offerings, it paves the way for a brighter future in software development. Focused on innovation, GitHub is poised to lead the next phase of the developer journey, empowering individuals and teams to shape tomorrow’s technologies. From its humble beginnings as a code hosting service to its current status as a central force in modern software development, GitHub’s journey showcases the transformative power of collaboration and creativity.


P.S — Other blogs in the ‘Product Evolution Series’ :



Data Product Manager @ KPMG | A product enthusiast who loves to talk about features, user workflows and strategies that drive people towards products.