Freemium to Premium: How Companies Nudge You To Upgrade

Advait Lad
Product Coalition
Published in
6 min readMar 11, 2024


Duolingo, the gamified language learning app, has revolutionized accessibility in education. Boasting over 500 million users, it offers a freemium model: free basic language courses with an option to upgrade to Duolingo Plus for an ad-free experience, offline lessons, and streak repair.

But there is a secret weapon in Duolingo’s arsenal — gentle nudges that persistently push users toward the premium experience.

Duolingo’s Persuasion Playbook: A Deep Dive

Let’s delve deeper into Duolingo’s tactics. Free users encounter ads after every few lessons. According to a 2020 study by the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) conference on user experience and ad placement, ads are strategically placed, interrupting your learning flow just as you are feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Additionally, ‘hearts,’ representing lives in the game, are limited in the free version. Running out of hearts means waiting for them to refill (which can take a significant amount of time, typically around four hours) or using premium gems to keep learning. This creates a sense of urgency and frustration — a feeling the premium subscription instantly solves.

Duolingo isn’t shy about highlighting the benefits of Plus either. Pop-up messages showcase features like unlimited hearts and offline access, appearing strategically after users lose hearts or miss a lesson due to a lack of internet connectivity. These nudges subtly remind users of the limitations of the free tier, a tactic explored in a 2023 paper titled ‘The Nudge Effect in Freemium: How Interface Design Influences Upgrade Decisions’ published in the Journal of Marketing Research.

Photo by ilgmyzin on Unsplash

The Nudge Effect in Action: Beyond Duolingo — Case Studies

Duolingo isn’t alone in this strategy. Here are some other companies that masterfully nudge users toward premium subscriptions:

  • Spotify: The free tier bombards users with ads after every few songs, disrupting the listening experience. Upgrading to Spotify Premium eliminates ads and unlocks features like unlimited skips and offline listening. According to a 2022 user survey by Statista, 72% of Spotify users who upgraded to Premium cited ad removal as a primary motivator.
  • Evernote: The free version of Evernote restricts the number of devices you can sync your notes across (typically two devices). Upgrading to a paid plan unlocks unlimited device syncing and additional features like increased storage and advanced search capabilities. A 2021 study by Insider Intelligence showed that 63% of Evernote users who upgraded to a paid plan did so after reaching the device syncing limit on the free tier.
  • Dropbox: Dropbox offers limited free storage, typically around 2GB. Upgrading unlocks more storage space, allowing users to continue storing their important files. A 2020 report by Cloudwards revealed that 80% of Dropbox users who upgraded to a paid plan did so within 6 months of reaching their free storage limit.

Gamification and the Nudge Effect

Many freemium apps incorporate elements of gamification, using game mechanics like points, badges, and leaderboards to motivate users. Companies can leverage gamification alongside nudges to further incentivize premium upgrades.

For example, Duolingo’s daily streak system encourages consistent learning. Missing a day due to lack of access (which happens without offline lessons) could break the streak, pushing users to premium options.

The Science Behind the Nudge: Behavioral Economics at Play

These tactics leverage a concept known as ‘behavioral nudges.’ Nudges are subtle cues that influence user behavior without being coercive. They exploit cognitive biases like loss aversion (the fear of losing something we already have), studied in a seminal 1979 paper by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman titled ‘Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk,’ and the sunk cost fallacy (the tendency to continue with something we’ve already invested in — in this case, time spent learning on the free platform).

The Art of the Nudge: A Delicate Balance

While nudges can be effective, companies must tread carefully. Overly aggressive tactics can backfire, frustrating users and driving them away altogether. The key is to strike a balance between promoting premium features and maintaining a positive user experience for the free tier.

Here are some tips for companies considering nudge techniques on effective freemium model design:

  • Focus on Value: Highlight the clear benefits of the premium experience, not just the limitations of the free tier. Showcase how upgrading will enhance the user’s experience and help them achieve their goals more effectively. For instance, Duolingo Plus offers personalized learning paths and progress-tracking features that can significantly improve language acquisition.
  • Personalize the Nudge: Tailor nudges to user behavior. For example, offer a storage upgrade prompt only when a user reaches their Dropbox storage limit, or suggest advanced language learning features on Duolingo after a user completes a beginner’s course. This targeted approach ensures the nudge is relevant and avoids overwhelming users with irrelevant upgrade suggestions.
  • Maintain Transparency: Be upfront about the limitations of the free tier and the benefits of upgrading. Don’t mislead users or hide information about the premium features. Transparency builds trust and allows users to make informed decisions about upgrading.

Duolingo, for example, doesn’t stop at the basic limitations of the free tier. They cleverly leverage gamification elements to further nudge users towards engagement and potentially consider upgrading. One such tactic is the ‘leaderboard’. While the leaderboard itself motivates users to learn more and compete with their peers, Duolingo takes it a step further:

  • Paired Learning with Nudges: Duolingo allows users to connect with others they meet on the leaderboard. This fosters a sense of community and friendly competition. But here’s the nudge: Duolingo offers pre-written ‘nudges’ — short messages you can send to your leaderboard partner. Nudges can be used to welcome new friends, congratulate them on their progress, or even remind them to keep practicing.

This feature serves a dual purpose:

  • Increased Engagement: Nudges encourage interaction and build a sense of accountability between leaderboard partners.
  • Potential Freemium Upgrade: Since the free tier offers limited nudges, users might consider upgrading to unlock more nudges and enhance their paired learning experience.

Ethical Considerations of Nudges

While nudges can be a powerful tool, it is crucial to use them ethically. Here are some key considerations:

  • Avoid Dark Patterns: Dark patterns are deceptive design elements that trick users into unwanted actions, such as subscribing to a premium service. Nudges should be transparent and informative, not manipulative.
  • Respect User Choice: Ultimately, the decision to upgrade should lie with the user. Nudges should encourage the exploration of premium features, not pressure users into subscribing.
  • Provide a Valuable Free Tier: The free tier should offer a genuinely valuable experience, not a crippled version designed to force upgrades. This ensures users feel they’re getting something worthwhile even without paying.

The Future of Nudges in the Freemium Landscape

As the freemium model continues to evolve, companies will need to find innovative ways to nudge users towards premium subscriptions. Here are some potential future trends:

  • AI-powered Nudges: Artificial intelligence can personalize nudges to individual user behavior and preferences, making them even more effective.
  • Contextual Nudges: Nudges can be delivered more contextually, appearing at the right time and place in the user journey to maximize impact.
  • Gamified Nudges: Gamification elements like progress bars and rewards can be integrated with nudges to make upgrading more engaging and enjoyable.

By implementing nudges thoughtfully and ethically, companies can create a win-win situation for themselves and their users. Users benefit from a valuable free tier with clear upgrade paths, while companies build sustainable freemium models that drive growth and revenue.

The freemium model offers a powerful way to reach a broad audience and convert a portion of users into paying customers. By mastering the art of the nudge, companies can encourage users to take the next step without resorting to pressure tactics.

This approach can lead to a more sustainable freemium model that benefits both users and companies. As technology and user behavior continue to evolve, the future of nudges in the freemium landscape promises to be both innovative and impactful.

I would like to thank Tremis Skeete, Executive Editor of Product Coalition, for his valuable contributions to the editing of this article.

I also thank Product Coalition founder Jay Stansell, who has provided a collaborative product management education environment.



Data Product Manager @ KPMG | A product enthusiast who loves to talk about features, user workflows and strategies that drive people towards products.