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Podcasts on UX research are a goldmine for anyone in the field. As someone who works closely with UX researchers (and greatly admires this under-appreciated skillset!), I find these pods to be packed with actionable insights and intriguing perspectives.

If you have any ownership of UX in your product team, these shows are dynamite for helping you check blind spots you never knew you had, bust common user research myths, and gain even higher-quality insights from your users.

Aaaand here they are!

15 Best UX Research Podcasts

  1. UX Podcast with James Royal-Lawson & Per Axbom
  2. UX Cake with Leigh Allen-Arredondo
  3. Awkward Silences with Erin May & John Henry Forster
  4. Dollars to Donuts with Steve Portigal
  5. Why’d You Push That Button? with Kaitlyn Tiffany & Ashley Carman
  6. UI Breakfast: UI/UX Design and Product Strategy with Jane Portman
  7. UX Hustle Podcast with Amanda Worthington
  8. NN/g UX Podcast with Therese Fessenden
  9. UX Research Geeks with Tina Ličková
  10. 97 UX Things with Dan Berlin
  11. UX Wizards Podcast by Gandalf Winterwhisk
  12. UI Narrative: UX, UI, IxD, Design, and Research with Tolu Garcia
  13. Understanding Users: The UX Podcast with Mike Green
  14. Speaking from User Experience with Phillipe Charles, Steve Maxson & Darrien Staton
  15. The UX Usability Podcast with Dr. Chris Parker

Best UX Research Podcasts Overview

1. UX Podcast with James Royal-Lawson & Per Axbom

UX Podcast with James Royal-Lawson & Per Axbom


UX Podcast bridges the gap between theory and practice in the realm of user experience research and product design. It's a must-listen for professionals seeking to stay updated with industry trends and challenges.

What You'll Learn:

  • Insights from industry experts in UX
  • The latest trends in product design
  • Strategies for effective user experience research

Why You Should Listen:

UX Podcast is essential for professionals in the UX field, offering fresh perspectives and innovative ideas for both startups and established companies.

Best Episode:

Get the words to work with Torrey Podmajersky - In this episode, renowned author Torrey Podmajersky, known for her influential book "Strategic Writing for UX" focuses on the crucial aspects of contextualizing work and establishing a unified vocabulary, essential for effective collaboration and understanding.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom are seasoned UX practitioners. They bring a wealth of experience from various aspects of user experience design and research, making them a credible source of industry knowledge.

Listener Review:

“This podcast is a great resource on UX and anything design and tech. James, Per, and their guests provide awesome insight and tips.- Marisa J

2. UX Cake with Leigh Allen-Arredondo

UX Cake with Leigh Allen-Arredondo


UX Cake focuses on empowering UX professionals with knowledge and skills, especially in the context of startups and evolving product design landscapes.

What You'll Learn:

  • Career development in UX
  • Strategies for UX leadership and management
  • Real-life case studies from UX experts

Why You Should Listen:

Ideal for UX practitioners seeking growth and success in their careers, providing insights from renowned industry experts.

Best Episode:

Adding Strategic Value to Tactical Work with Laura Barboza - The episode provides practical advice on integrating strategic outcomes into tactical UX research and design deliverables. It addresses the potential challenges faced by designers and researchers, including stakeholder resistance due to a focus on short-term goals. Emphasizing the importance of aligning with user and business objectives from the outset, it highlights the value of connecting all efforts to overarching strategic objectives.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Leigh Allen-Arredondo brings a unique blend of experience and passion for UX. Her insights are invaluable for those looking to navigate the complex world of user experience design. Find Leigh Allen-Arredondo on LinkedIn and her website.

Listener Review:

“Practical, entertaining, and great topics make UX Cake a must-listen. Highly recommended. - cincylee

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3. Awkward Silences with Erin May & John Henry Forster

Awkward Silences with Erin May & John Henry Forster


Brought to you by User Interviews, Awkward Silences offers a refreshing take on user experience research, presenting it in an engaging and accessible manner suitable for professionals in startups and larger corporations.

What You'll Learn:

  • Effective user research methodologies
  • How to translate research into actionable design
  • Engaging in discussions on user experience

Why You Should Listen:

The podcast is perfect for those who want to deepen their understanding of UX research with a blend of humor and professionalism.

Best Episode:

#140 - Should You Leave Academia? Advice for Researchers with Joe Stubenrauch - In this episode, guest Joe Stubenrauch shares his journey of navigating burnout and dissatisfaction in academia. He steers into his quest for happiness, evaluating key aspects like mental health, geographic flexibility, and the importance of being near family and friends. Joe also discusses his transition to a new field, highlighting the significance of a compelling portfolio and offering practical job-seeking tips.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

Erin May and John Henry Forster combine expertise and wit, making complex topics in user experience research accessible and enjoyable. They provide valuable insights for professionals in both startups and established companies.

Listener Review:

“Very insightful, episode after episode. High-quality guests and interviewing are a strong combo! - Lukef21

4. Dollars to Donuts with Steve Portigal

Dollars to Donuts with Steve Portigal


Dollars to Donuts dives into the intersection of stakeholders and the UX design research process, offering unique insights into how decisions shape product strategies.

What You'll Learn:

  • Engaging with stakeholders effectively
  • Navigating the complexities of the design process
  • Strategies for impactful product development

Why You Should Listen:

This podcast is invaluable for those looking to understand the intricate dynamics between stakeholders and designers in creating successful products.

Best Episode:

31. Noam Segal of Wealthfront - In this episode of Dollars to Donuts, Steve interviews Noam Segal, Director of Research at Wealthfront. Segal discusses how various teams, from product managers to engineers and marketers, contribute to understanding clients. He emphasizes the role of user research as a pivotal enabler and coach, augmenting existing company efforts and maximizing the impact of research activities. This approach fosters a collaborative environment for better client understanding across all departments.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Steve Portigal is an acclaimed author and consultant in the field of design strategy. His expertise in understanding user needs and stakeholder dynamics makes him a key voice in the industry. Find Steve Portigal on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Listener Review:

“These lively and insightful discussions about user research and its growth within different companies get me beyond excited about what we do for users and products. - KPlano

5. Why’d You Push That Button? with Kaitlyn Tiffany & Ashley Carman

Why’d You Push That Button? with Kaitlyn Tiffany & Ashley Carman


Why’d You Push That Button? explores the hidden aspects of interfaces and inclusivity, shedding light on the decisions behind everyday tech usage.

What You'll Learn:

  • The psychology behind interface design
  • How inclusivity shapes technology
  • The impact of design decisions on users

Why You Should Listen:

Ideal for those curious about the often-unseen aspects of technology and its interaction with society, providing a fresh perspective on tech use and design.

Best Episode:

Why are you anonymous online? - This episode features The Verge's Ashley Carman and Vox's Kaitlyn Tiffany exploring the diverse uses of anonymous accounts online. They engage with individuals who separate their personal lives from their Instagram presence, a reporter who experienced a parody by an anonymous Twitter account, and a media researcher investigating the motivations behind online anonymity. These conversations reveal the complex roles these accounts play for creatives and individuals seeking detachment from their work.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

Kaitlyn Tiffany and Ashley Carman bring a unique blend of journalism and tech expertise, offering in-depth discussions and insights into technology’s role in our daily lives.

Listener Review:

“I love these ladies and everything about this podcast. Such a fresh take on tech and tech in our lives!! - YoginiAli

6. UI Breakfast: UI/UX Design and Product Strategy with Jane Portman

UI Breakfast: UI/UX Design and Product Strategy with Jane Portman


UI Breakfast steers into UI/UX design and product strategy, focusing on creating effective and inclusive user experiences.

What You'll Learn:

  • Best practices in UI/UX design
  • Techniques for building inclusive interfaces
  • Strategies for aligning design with product goals

Why You Should Listen:

This podcast is a treasure trove for designers and product managers seeking to enhance their understanding of user interfaces and inclusive design strategies.

Best Episode:

UX Hiring with Sarah Doody - In this episode, Sarah Doody, a UX researcher, designer, and founder of Career Strategy Lab, offers insights on what companies seek in designers, along with advice on portfolio development, project scoping techniques, and more, to help UX designers secure their ideal roles.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Jane Portman is a seasoned UI/UX consultant with a focus on helping businesses improve their design strategies. Her product strategy and design thinking expertise offer listeners valuable insights and practical tips. Find Jane Portman on LinkedIn, Twitter, and her website.

Listener Review:

“I love the representation of different areas and aspects of UX. Great variety of guests and topics for a well-rounded perspective on UX and adjacent practices. - Lost town

7. UX Hustle Podcast with Amanda Worthington

UX Hustle Podcast with Amanda Worthington


UX Hustle Podcast focuses on optimizing research methods and strategies for UX practitioners, emphasizing efficient and impactful approaches in web design.

What You'll Learn:

  • Advanced UX research techniques
  • Building and managing effective research teams
  • Integrating research insights into web design

Why You Should Listen:

Ideal for UX professionals looking to elevate their research skills and understand how to implement these strategies in their web design projects effectively.

Best Episode:

#65 UX Is for me, how do I get the skills? - In this episode, the focus is on acquiring the necessary UX skills for career advancement. It guides listeners through various approaches to skill acquisition, providing insights on where to obtain these skills. The episode emphasizes maintaining control over one's UX career trajectory, regardless of the chosen path.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Amanda Worthington is a seasoned UX designer and strategist. She shares her expertise in UX research and design, providing valuable insights and practical advice for listeners. Find Amanda Worthington on LinkedIn, Twitter, and her website.

Listener Review:

“So much good info in each episode! Amanda knows her stuff! Recommend tuning in! - Jess Jovanovich

8. NN/g UX Podcast with Therese Fessenden

NN/g UX Podcast with Therese Fessenden


NN/g UX Podcast, produced by the Nielsen Norman Group, dives into the latest trends and best practices in UX, offering insights on creating user-centered designs and enhancing web usability.

What You'll Learn:

  • Cutting-edge UX research methods
  • Best practices for UX teams
  • Innovations in user-centered web design

Why You Should Listen:

This podcast is a valuable resource for UX professionals seeking to stay ahead in the field, with content rich in research insights and practical applications.

Best Episode:

33. Tracking UX Progress with Metrics (feat. Dr. John Pagonis, UXMC, Qualitative and Quantitative Researcher)- In this segment, Dr. John Pagonis, a UX Master Certified professional, sheds light on the significance of measuring user experience. He conveys insights gained from assisting various organizations in assessing UX enhancements and analyzing quantitative data. The discourse underscores the necessity of these measurements in verifying the direction and magnitude of project progress.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Therese Fessenden is a UX specialist with a deep understanding of user research and design. Her insights and interviews with other experts provide listeners with a comprehensive view of the UX field. Find Therese Fessenden on LinkedIn.

Listener Review:

“Not only can learn the cutting-edge trends about the UX but also learn some interview skills. - RomyYang

9. UX Research Geeks with Tina Ličková

UX Research Geeks with Tina Ličková


UX Research Geeks, produced by UXtweak brings together various industry experts to explore innovative research methods and team dynamics in UX, particularly in the realm of web design.

What You'll Learn:

  • Diverse perspectives on UX research
  • Effective team collaboration in UX projects
  • Current trends in web design and usability

Why You Should Listen:

This podcast is a hub for varied expertise in UX, making it perfect for professionals who seek a broad range of insights and practical tips in UX research and web design.

Best Episode:

Season 3 #4 | Role of UX Researchers in Continuous Discovery | Teresa Torres - In the episode, Tina interviews Teresa Torres, a distinguished Product Management Coach, who explains the Continuous Discovery Framework amidst skepticism from the research community. Teresa advocates for customer-focused approaches and the importance of effective research by product teams. The discussion highlights the democratization of research, the integral role of researchers in product development, and the management of varied customer insights.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Tina Ličková has experience in UX research and brings unique perspectives and insights to her podcast. Their engaging style and in-depth discussions make learning about UX research accessible and enjoyable. Find Tina Ličková on LinkedIn and her website.

10. 97 UX Things with Dan Berlin

97 UX Things with Dan Berlin


97 UX Things offers a diverse range of insights from various UX experts, covering everything from foundational concepts to advanced strategies.

What You'll Learn:

  • A broad spectrum of UX design principles
  • Insights from multiple UX experts
  • Practical applications in diverse fields

Why You Should Listen:

This podcast is an invaluable resource for anyone in UX, from beginners to senior researchers, providing a wealth of knowledge across various topics.

Best Episode:

Have a Well-Rounded UX Research Toolkit to Maximize Insights - The episode focuses on Dan Berlin's critiques of the overdependence on unmoderated usability studies, noting the consequent loss of profound insights.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Dan Berlin, a co-founder and senior UX researcher, brings his extensive experience to the podcast, guiding listeners through the nuances of UX design. Find Dan Berlin on LinkedIn.

11. UX Wizards Podcast by Gandalf Winterwhisk

UX Wizards Podcast by Gandalf Winterwhisk


The UX Wizards Podcast dives into the intricacies of UX design and research, with a focus on innovative solutions and industry best practices.

What You'll Learn:

  • Cutting-edge UX design techniques
  • Insights from leading UX professionals
  • Best practices for UX research and design

Why You Should Listen:

Ideal for UX designers and researchers at all levels, this podcast offers a platform for learning from top professionals in the field.

Best Episode:

Breaking UX Laws: Atul Khola and Chirag Ghube - Atul Khola and Chirag Ghube engage in a discussion about UX design, stressing the significance of storytelling and selecting the right UX design tools while expressing disinterest in book learning. They address the necessity of mastering the fundamentals before innovating in design and the value of utilizing Twitter feedback to assess user opinions. The dialogue also covers the relationship between designers and their creations, including the common tendency to critique one's past work.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

UX Wizards Podcast is hosted and produced by some of the best UX “wizards”: Keri F, Grace Lee, Chirag Ghube, James Naito, and Nolan Stewart. They combine their experience and expertise to release these insightful weekly podcasts.

12. UI Narrative: UX, UI, IxD, Design, and Research with Tolu Garcia

UI Narrative: UX, UI, IxD, Design, and Research with Tolu Garcia


UI Narrative explores the world of UX, UI, and interaction design, focusing on creating user-centric solutions in various sectors, including healthcare.

What You'll Learn:

  • Advanced UX/UI design methodologies
  • The role of IxD in creating effective user interfaces
  • Designing for healthcare and other specialized sectors

Why You Should Listen:

This podcast is a great resource for those interested in the intersection of UX/UI design and healthcare, offering insights from a seasoned professional.

Best Episode:

Transition from HR Analyst to AIUX Researcher | Morgan Ramsey, Compass - In this episode, the narrative unfolds around Morgan Ramsey's exceptional transition from HR Analyst to UX Researcher at Google, defying conventional academic prerequisites. Her story is marked by persistent effort and strategic UX research planning to carve a unique path into UX Research. The discussion also steers into her experiences as an AIUX Researcher, highlighting Morgan's innovative approach to career development and her inspirational journey in the field.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Tolu Garcia, a passionate UX/UI designer and researcher, brings a unique perspective to the podcast, particularly on how design principles apply to healthcare and other specialized fields. find Tolu Garcia on LinkedIn and her website.

Listener Review:

“So thankful for this podcast. I have received so many useful tips and advice from Ms. Tolu and this podcast. She is such inspiration and motivation to keep going. - meme2k7

13. Understanding Users: The UX Podcast with Mike Green

Understanding Users: The UX Podcast with Mike Green


This podcast explores the essence of UX research tools and methodologies, providing insights into the world of UXR.

What You'll Learn:

  • Advanced UX research tools and techniques
  • Best practices in user experience research
  • Insights into UXR industry trends

Why You Should Listen:

For those interested in UXR, this podcast offers invaluable knowledge and practical advice from experienced UX professionals.

Best Episode:

49. How can digital teams ensure organizations fully understand the value of a user-centered product design process?: Claire White @ Exscientia - In the discussion, Claire White from Exscientia recounts her transition into the dynamic realm of AI-powered Pharmatech. She emphasizes the crucial role of continual, swift prototyping in product design and differentiates User-Centred Design from mere UX Design, underscoring its broader scope and significance.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Mike Green brings a wealth of experience in UX research, sharing his expertise in UXR tools and methodologies. Find Mike Green on LinkedIn.

14. Speaking from User Experience with Phillipe Charles, Steve Maxson & Darrien Staton

Speaking from User Experience with Phillipe Charles, Steve Maxson & Darrien Staton


The podcast offers a deep dive into UXR, featuring discussions and interviews with top UX professionals.

What You'll Learn:

  • In-depth analysis of UX research techniques
  • Discussions with leading UX practitioners
  • Insights into current UXR challenges and solutions

Why You Should Listen:

An essential listen for those looking to deepen their understanding of UXR through engaging and informative discussions.

Best Episode:

How to Build a UX Culture- This episode highlights Philipe, Darrien, and Steve discussing building a culture from a human-centric approach for your organization.

Links To Listen:

About The Hosts:

Philipe Charles, Senior UX Designer Steve Maxson, and Lead UI/UX Designer Darrien Staton share their unique experiences and perspectives in the field of UXR.

15. The UX Usability Podcast with Dr. Chris Parker

The UX Usability Podcast with Dr. Chris Parker


This podcast covers the critical aspects of UX usability, highlighting the importance of user-centered design in creating effective UX solutions.

What You'll Learn:

  • Principles of UX usability
  • Techniques for enhancing user experience
  • The role of usability in UXR

Why You Should Listen:

Perfect for UX professionals and enthusiasts seeking to improve their understanding and application of usability in user experience research.

Best Episode:

Gaurav Sharma - Taking a Masters in UX Design - Dr. Parker converses with Gaurav Sharma about his journey back to pursuing a Masters in UX Design, the nuances of international design, and his professional experiences as a UX Designer at The Economist.

Links To Listen:

About The Host:

Dr. Chris Parker is a respected figure in the UX field, bringing his expertise in usability and user-centered design to the podcast. His insights are valuable for anyone looking to enhance their UX usability skills. Find Dr. Chris Parker on LinkedIn and his website.

For an even more hands-on UXR learning experience, check out our list of upcoming user research conferences for the year ahead.

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Hannah Clark
By Hannah Clark

Hannah Clark is the Editor of The Product Manager. Following six years of experience in the tech industry, she pivoted into the content space where she's had the pleasure of working with some of the most brilliant voices in the product world. Driven by insatiable curiosity and a love of bringing people together, her mission is to foster a fun, vibrant, and inspiring community of product people.