Reasons Why the Internet of Things Needs Artificial Intelligence

Chandni Akhani
Product Coalition
Published in
5 min readOct 22, 2019


IoT devices are unlike the usual sets of computers and smartphones. They have been game-changers in the digital world because of the way they can streamline operations across industry verticals. And with the help of Artificial Intelligence, humans are trying to understand a wide set of data through models which over the years has successfully generated actionable insights and continues to do so. For e.g. voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa offer us the personalized experience based on our voice and non-voice interactions. Internet of Things solutions is complementing the space around us by making it more efficient whereas Artificial Intelligence development is complementing our brain like never seen before.

IoT devices just like any other device generate huge volumes of data. Data is useful when it creates action and to make it actionable, AI becomes a prerequisite requirement because we are not simply connected devices! We are connecting intelligence that has the potential to reduce the existing carbon footprint for a sustainable future.

The future looks bright with AI powered IoT and here are some of the reasons why:

#1 AI powered IoT

IoT device makers with AI development are spending money and resources to create self-learning systems that can improve themselves without any human intervention. Big enterprises and businesses are vouching for it and with the help of machine learning this reality isn’t far away and some major steps have been taken already. For e.g. automated chatbots simulate human behavior and render prompt responses to requests and queries. Whether it’s scheduling appointments, booking a reservation or taking food orders, they are being marketed as the new front desks that can also streamline home operations.

With deep learning algorithms, companies are mining data to procure quality leads so that they can boost their conversion rates and drive sales. The likes of Alexa, Google assistants and Apple’s Siri work on NLP (Natural language processing) and speech recognition. With NLP, the objective it to decode a particular language, draw insights and make sense out of it. It is primarily concerned with the interactions between computers and human language in a way that drives values.

IoT services in logistics and healthcare industry is also adapting to this technology to automate their operations. Amazon is leading the way when it comes to managing logistics through its devices whereas smart alarms are used by nurses for effective response time in clinics and hospitals coupled with many smart features.

#2 Smart Roads and Public Transit Management

Prototypes of smart roads and highways are set to roll out soon. The idea behind smart road is to streamline traffic lights, vehicles and street lights into one effective channel that minimizes road accidents and handles traffic effortlessly. Asphalt will pave way for factory made concrete slabs that are designed to detect the location and movement of a vehicle in real-time with in-built intricate sensors. These concrete slabs will also collect data on road congestion and conditions so that they can guide self-driving cars towards the most safe and efficient routes to ETAs.

Smart buses have successfully rolled out in many cities. They are equipped with advanced computing, global navigation satellite system and wireless communication for better coordination along the set routes. By monitoring and collecting data on driver behavior and passenger flows, services will not only be improved but can be successfully scaled to meet user demands and expectations. The security and safety of the drivers and passengers can also be ensured with real-time live surveillance and video analytics. When it comes to the daily commute, passengers can avail of the services on mobile apps for convenience and customize schedules according to their preferences.

For all these systems to work effortlessly, a wireless communication network that is ultra-fast is a minimal requirement. The infrastructure that will be designed with the rollout of 5G is capable to handle large volumes of data which will be sent over a fiber optic mesh.

#3 AI Home Solutions

With automation, one can control in-house devices, appliances, lighting and climate in real-time. And with access to alarm systems, it not only provides robust security but is also energy efficient with practical and effective utilization of the power sources.

Widely used AI home solutions:

  • Voice Assistant: Seamlessly connect your entertainment devices and lightings with Google Home, Apple Homepod or Alexa and make the most of it. Control the basic functionalities of your home at your fingertips.
  • Safety and Security: Connect your smartphone with customized security solutions such as motion sensors, entry detectors, cameras, and video powered doorbells. Any type of appliance can be controlled through mobile applications and from any given place. Smart home solutions mean that you’ll be ever-present at home even when you have gone out. WIth an extra level of comfort and security, AI powered home are cost-effective with top of the line features.
  • Energy Savings: When you have the control to schedule the thermostats, air-conditioning and lighting parameters at your hands, your home not only becomes energy efficient but you will also save a lot on energy bills.


IoT powered with AI will render great control to sensors and devices connected to the internet.

  • Decision making with little or no human error. Automation will provide cost-cutting measures where everything can be controlled.
  • Infrastructure will emit fewer greenhouse gases and pollution.
  • The operations cost will be lower whereas there will be an increase in the value of the assets.
  • Optimized operations will reduce energy and water consumption.
  • The advance intelligence system can process the complex amounts of data and can make multitasking more efficient.

IoT industry powered with AI is on the rise and many published reports have indicated that by the end of 2025 it would have an economic impact of close to the US $11 trillion. The idea is to streamline operations beyond connectivity. Smart homes, offices, healthcare, driverless cars, and roads will soon be a reality that will have a long-lasting impact on how the world is run in the future.

