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Lucrative Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Extra Money

Lucrative _Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Extra Money

Starting a business ​has never been more popular than now, and women of all ages are increasingly becoming entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur is just French for Product Manager. Some moms cannot work full-time as much as they did before giving birth, so they need to find other ways to make money that don’t require them to spend lots of time at an office. And when we consider business ideas for stay-at-home moms, the list is almost endless!

Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Moms

When taking this new path, most stay-at-home moms start with nothing and become overwhelmed – and that’s why it’s essential to learn as much as you can about how to create and market your product. Building Insanely Great Products is one of the few guides that can help you start your business on the right foot by teaching you everything you need to know about what it takes to have a successful product or business. Whether you need the extra money to make ends meet or you just want an outlet for your creativity, there are numerous business ideas for stay-at-home moms that are a great fit.

Product Management Consulting

There are a number of things product managers need to do for a successful product.  Here is a list Moms can do from home.

  • Product Operations:  These are the tactical things like running surveys, market research, competitive research, pricing strategy, project management
  • Customer Interviews
  • Data Analysis
  • Persona Development
  • Market Segments
  • Target Markets
  • Market Differences Worldwide
  • Value Proposition
  • Positioning Statements
  • Pricing Strategy and Surveys
  • Distribution Planning
  • Content Needed for the Customer Journey
  • Messaging
  • Social Media
  • Public Relations
  • Sales Tools

 Virtual Career Tutoring

If you have a background in working for other companies, this could be the ideal business to start from home while caring for your children. Virtual career tutoring would involve setting up a service that would help teach and guide people into making the right career choices for their wanted path. The great thing about this business idea is that you can run it from the comfort of your home by video calling your clients to talk to them. To make money, you can charge per hour.

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Graphic Design Business

The graphic design field is developing at a fantastic fast-paced rate, meaning numerous clients are looking for quality designers to help them enhance their visual identity. If you have worked as a graphic designer, you might be ready to start your business by advertising your services and building a website. If you’re new to the industry, it’s best to spend some time working as a freelancer and learn more before launching into the business realm.

At-Home Ecommerce Shop

Setting up an e-commerce store is a business idea that would be ideal for stay-at-home moms. This means that even while you’re busy taking care of your children, you may be able to manage your online e-commerce store or someone else’s since it’s all about being connected to the Internet. This idea entails the sale of shoes, clothes, various items, fashion accessories, etc. To start, you need to build a website that attracts customers and market your new business. Use social media to advertise your new venture and try learning various marketing strategies. If you’re new to the marketing and advertising world, it is best to look for e-commerce marketing services. An expert in this aspect will help you appeal to potential customers and retain clients to make your business successful.

One way to do this is to become an Amazon Affliate and populate your store with Affliate links to products you recommend. For promotions, here is a link to some Amazon coupons you can use to motivate buyers to act. Be sure to put deadlines on access to the coupons so your prospective customers will act in a timely fashion.

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Balance Work and Life with Kids

The first step to achieving a good work-life balance is to stop being hard on yourself. You cannot do it all, and no one expects you to, so when you feel you’re stressed, stop and give yourself a break and a reality check. Routines are also essential in helping you find a work-life balance, so when you’re working from home, create a schedule both for you and the kids.

Also, start setting boundaries by having a room or space for work. This way, your kids will learn to respect your space and know not to interrupt when you are working. Take some time to get outside – walk around the building or your neighborhood and enjoy the sun. This will help you and your kids regain positivity, improve the mood, and maintain a healthy body and mind.

Starting an At-Home Business

Business ideas for stay-at-home moms differ as much as the moms themselves, and what is an ideal option for one mom could be catastrophic for another. That’s why it is essential to follow your passions and interests when starting a business. Do not forget to include self-care in your daily routine and some ‘me time’ so you can live a healthy and happy life and drive your business to success.

When starting a business, you need to do thorough research on the product you plan to develop, the market it appeals to, and how to market it. Building Insanely Great Products is one of the best guides out there, helping you take this process to new highs and develop outstanding products that will sell. Schedule a meeting now via the Building Insanely Great Products website.

David Fradin

David Fradin has trained thousands of managers throughout the world in the successful management of products. With over 47 years of experience across major companies, 75+ products and services and 11 startups, he infuses his workshops with insights gained as an expert product leader, product manager and product marketing manager at companies like Apple and HP. He was classically trained as an HP Product Manager and was then recruited by Apple to bring the first hard disk drive on a PC to market. As a result of his leadership and management skills, Apple promoted him first to Apple /// Group Product Manager and later Business Unit Manager at the same organizational level at that time as Steve Jobs. He recently authored “Building Insanely Great Products: Some Products Fail, Many Succeed…This is their Story” Lessons from 47 years of experience including Hewlett-Packard, Apple, 75 products, and 11 startups later. Go to: Amazon Store Coming soon will be "Organizing and Managing Insanely Great Products" and "Marketing Insanely Great Products." His workshops cover the founding values, vision, product lifecycle and management employed by Apple at its start and which it subscribes to today. You can learn more about his workshops at Spice Catalyst Workshops Soon to be released by Wiley and Sons, in the Early of 2017, is a seven-volume set of university-level textbooks entitled: "Foundations in the Management of Successful Products" covering keys to product success, product market strategy, marketing, soft skills, user experience, user interface, product engineering, and product support. What students will learn in the workshops, online courses and books are cover what has made Apple the most valuable company in the world today. Go to David Fradin @ Youcanbook to schedule a time to talk.

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"David has been an excellent coach and mentor. Very detail oriented and practical in his approach. His ideas and frameworks are simple, practical and easy to understand and adopt, being extremely effective at the same time. The concept of ‘Do, value proposition’ is one such excellent framework which not only helps in formulating compelling value proposition for the customers but is also a source of ideas for new product innovation."

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Mike B, Lead Generation Consultant

"David is a very experienced and talented business professional. I have witnessed this first hand, as has demonstrated his ability across multiple disciplines, including market analysis, segmentation, customer profiling, competitive reviews, product management, marketing and sales strategy development and execution, to name but a few. In addition, he has great communication skills."


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"I met Dave through a consulting engagement while I was at YouSendIt. It was easily the single most useful and insightful consulting engagement I’ve experienced in my career. From his analysis of our industry to the product recommendations, Dave gave us actionable information that made YouSendIt a better company."


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Anand P

"Building Insanely Great Products" is a great Segway into the product management space and contains insightful and practical advice which I am now going to validate with some of the projects I am working on"


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