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Tips for Decorating Your Home-Based Office for Safety-Conscious Client Visits

Tips for Decorating Your Home-Based Office for Safety-Conscious Client Visits


As a budding entrepreneur, you want your home-based office to exude character, but be safe as well. Learn how to incorporate these key tips from ​​Spice Catalyst for holding safe in-home business visits, as well as some best practices for virtual ones. 

Top Tips for In-Home Business Visits

While there are a number of ways to keep clients safe, some of the main methods include: 

Improving Filtration and Ventilation

While keeping windows and doors open is always a good way of improving ventilation, so is bringing in fans to help circulate airflow. 

Portable air filtration systems are another useful tool in taking particles out of the air. Consider getting one with a HEPA filter for best results. A filter that’s been rated by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) is even better. You’ll also want to look at the clean air delivery rating, or CADR, of the unit. The higher the CADR, the more efficient the unit is at cleaning the air.


Masks are one of the most tried and true methods of reducing the spread of disease. Make sure your clients know to wear one by posting a sign in the entryway.

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UV in the HVAC System

While more costly, installing a UV light in your HVAC system is an extremely effective way to kill nearly all germs and viruses.

Other Technologies 

There are a number of groundbreaking technologies designed to help minimize contact. Temperature screening and social-distancing hardware are among the most helpful for returning to in-person office visits. 

Consider an LLC

Inviting clients into your home may bring up questions about liability or even litigation. You can protect yourself from potential concerns by setting yourself up as a limited liability company (LLC). Doing so can be a quick process, and you can save by doing it yourself or using a formation service. When starting your own business in California, remember to check the state regulations for forming an LLC.

Virtual Visits: Staging and Lighting

Technologies that minimize contact also include platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, that let you communicate remotely with your clients. If you use a video platform, you’ll want to use lighting and staging to present yourself and your business as professionally as possible. 

While natural light is the best choice, a second simple option is to position a lamp in front of your laptop or desktop so your face is illuminated.

Staging your office doesn’t have to be complicated, either. It’s important that the camera not be pointed towards clutter, as this distracts from the professional atmosphere you’re trying to create. Instead, keep any space the camera captures minimalist yet appealing. 

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Time for an Office Makeover?

If your office is out-of-date or ill-suited for visits, maybe the time is right for creating a fully functional home office. Doing so can increase your home’s value by as much as 10%. If you go this route, remember to get before and after pictures so you can substantively demonstrate how these changes improve your home’s overall value.

Your Office, Your Best Space

Making your home office into a space that feels professional and safe at the same time can easily be done by following these simple tips and considerations. With some careful planning and execution, you can create a safe yet inviting space for both yourself and your clients. 

Virginia Cooper

Virginia Cooper is a retired community college instructor. She always encouraged her students to see the real-world value in their education, and now, she wants to spread that message as wide as possible. Her hope is that Learn a Living will be a go-to resource for adult learners embarking on starting, continuing, or finishing their education.

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