JTBD: From Playtime Adventures to Life’s Grand Quests

The magic of the Jobs-to-be-Done framework.

Pranav Khare
Product Coalition


Photo by Anthony Wade on Unsplash

Ever wondered why your little nephew builds towering castles out of Lego bricks, while your niece spends hours lost in a miniature dollhouse world?

It’s not just about the toys themselves, aspiring product managers!

Those bricks and dolls are tools for epic adventures and heartwarming stories, “hired” by kids to do specific “jobs” in their playtime universe.

Kids don’t just play with toys because of the toys themselves, they actually use toys to achieve certain goals or “jobs” they want to get done, even if they’re just kid-sized dreams!

And guess what? The Jobs-to-be-Done framework isn’t just for kids and toys, this same magic works for grown-ups too! That high-powered telescope isn’t just a gadget, it’s a cosmic adventurer, whisking you away to distant galaxies. Your gardening app? It’s your zen master, guiding you to tranquil green spaces and soothing your soul.

A smartphone isn’t just a device, it’s a social butterfly, a creativity coach, or a global explorer, depending on who’s “hiring” it. That fitness tracker? It’s a personal cheerleader, pushing you to conquer your fitness goals.

Decoding Desires Beyond the Surface

Every product we use is a potential partner in our grand life adventures, big or small. Think about all the products and services we use in our daily lives. We “hire” them to do specific jobs for us. JTBD goes beyond the “what” and digs into the “why.” It’s about understanding the needs customers want fulfilled, the problems they crave solutions for.

Remember that little architect with his Lego bricks? He’s not just building, he’s:

  • Conquering gravity and defying physics, tower by magnificent tower.
  • Collaborating with imaginary friends, bringing his wildest creations to life.
  • Basking in the thrill of accomplishment as his vision materializes brick by brick.

And for your niece in the dollhouse? Those tiny rooms and furniture become:

  • The stage for heartwarming family dramas and daring rescue missions.
  • A canvas for nurturing empathy and imagination as she cares for her miniature world.
  • A safe space to explore emotions and relationships, one tiny tea party at a time.

Key Principles for Product Mastery: The “why” behind the “what.”

Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) is the decoder ring for unlocking these hidden desires. It’s about understanding the “why” behind the “what.”

Forget asking what features people want, dig into the deeper motivations, anxieties, and aspirations driving them to seek out products and services.

This is when JTBD becomes your secret weapon as an aspiring product manager. Here are some key principles to remember:

  • Focus on progress, not products: We want solutions that make lives easier, better, or more fulfilling. It’s not about bells and whistles, it’s about helping people achieve their goals.
  • Uncover the root cause: Ask “why” before you ask “what.” Understand the deeper desires and emotions driving people’s choices.
  • Become a customer-centric hero: Build products that cater to people’s needs and aspirations, not just technical specs. Create solutions that become their go-to partners in life’s adventures.

Putting JTBD into Action:

Remember, JTBD is about understanding the human story behind the product. Master this language, and you’ll become more than a product builder, you’ll become a dream weaver, crafting solutions that resonate with hearts, not just heads.

So, young product Jedi (or maybe zen master, or cosmic adventurer!), choose your weapon!

  • Mission 1: Decode the daily grind. Pick a product you use every day, like your coffee maker or phone. Uncover its hidden JTBD — what’s the emotional job it helps you accomplish? Share your findings with the community — let’s build a map of everyday product dreams!
  • Mission 2: Become a product whisperer. Observe someone using a product you don’t. Watch their body language, listen to their unspoken desires. What unspoken job is this product secretly fulfilling? Share your product whisperings, and we’ll build a library of hidden customer motivations!
  • Mission 3: Design for the hero within. Choose a product you wish existed. What epic quest or transformative journey would it unlock? Sketch your dream solution, fueled by JTBD, and inspire us all to design products that make the world a brighter, more fulfilling place!

Ready to put JTBD into action? Grab your detective hat, or maybe your cosmic adventurer’s helmet, and start exploring!

Observe people, talk to them, uncover their struggles and dreams.

Define the “jobs” they want to accomplish, the outcomes they crave.

Then, design solutions that become their trusted allies, helping them conquer life’s challenges and unlock their full potential.

Together, let’s build a future where products don’t just function, they transform lives, one customer mission at a time!

The JTBD adventure awaits! What’s your “why”?

This is just the beginning of your JTBD adventure! There’s a whole universe of hidden desires and unspoken dreams waiting to be discovered. Keep exploring, keep experimenting, and remember:

With great power comes great responsibility… to build awesome products that make a difference!

Share your discoveries, inspire others, and let’s create a world where every product tells a story worth living!

