The Benefits of Product Management Training for Your Company

Carlos Gonzalez de Villaumbrosia
Product Coalition
Published in
5 min readFeb 19, 2019


The biggest companies in the world didn’t get there by taking the easy road. In the world of Human Resources, it may seem easy to find a candidate with a spiffy resume and loads of experience, rather than building upon an already existing team. This mentality, however, could be a fatal blow to a business of any size. For now, however, let’s put the gloom and doom aside, and focus on some hard facts about the benefits of corporate training.

Corporate Training Improves Cost Efficiency

Hiring new employees is expensive. Glassdoor estimates that for every new hire for a small to medium size business, they will lose close to $4,000. If you’re onboarding, multiple employees, these financial losses can quickly add up, doing serious damage to your bottom line.

Worse, this $4,000 does not directly translate to future efficiency. It is a cost that won’t necessarily produce any positive outcomes. Spending on a proven team, however, gives you the opportunity to build on the knowledge that already exists internally. This is one of the reasons why the ROI of corporate training is consistently a proven benefit.

To see the cost efficiency picture in a simpler form, let’s look at the price of training vs hiring. An $80,000 yearly salary plus the cost of hiring, versus a one-time fee of $40,000 to improve the performance of multiple existing employees turns out to be very simple mathematics!

Corporate Training Improves Consistency

New employees require time to adjust, while current employees are already familiar with your systems and procedures.

Focusing time, energy, and resources on hiring is time taken away from creating solutions. Internal training not only adds knowledge to an existing base but also allows for teams to develop a more cohesive sense of internal policies. New hires, on the other hand, have to start from scratch to develop team and company synergy. It’s a simple formula.

Team consistency=efficiency.

But what about the possibility of adding a new superstar to the team? These people do exist, and they may have a tremendous impact on the outcome of a project or company. Yet, while these people are out there, your current employees are likely on the payroll for a good reason. They have proven capabilities, and they demonstrate skills that are vital for company success.

Your current employees do not require onboarding, nor do they require time getting in sync with new coworkers. What this all amounts to is a present level of consistency that can be built upon, rather than disrupting your team dynamic with a new addition.

Corporate Training Eliminates Weaknesses

Team training highlights weaknesses that exist on personal or team levels and then eliminates these insufficiencies in a secure learning environment. With regards to Product Management, a thorough and well-rounded training program can optimize areas that are in need of improvement.

Teams who go through corporate training together learn to mold their expertise around each other. For example, colleague ‘A’ may be an expert on the technical side of a project but may lack communication skills. Colleague ‘B’, on the other hand, is an excellent communicator without technical ability. From a quality corporate training session, these two colleagues learn from each other’s strengths, while also understanding where to fill in for the other colleague in the appropriate circumstances.

Corporate Training Improves Employee Morale

This is perhaps the most underappreciated aspect of corporate training. Employee satisfaction and happiness are essential for performance and company success. This may seem obvious but companies often overlook the importance of maintaining a happy workplace.

A recent study by the Adler group and LinkedIn states that 72% of professionals find satisfaction in their work, but conversely, 82% of these same employees are open to new positions. How does this translate to corporate training? Companies that offer corporate training often report an increase in employee morale. This improvement in morale leads to employees feeling a sense of value, which in turn inspires these same workers to produce at even higher levels.

Perhaps the most holistically beneficial side of investing in employee morale is that once employee self-worth increases nearly all the previous benefits (weaknesses, consistency, and efficiency) tend to improve as well. Let’s take “Jane” for example. When Jane feels valued by her company, Jane takes more risks, and thus improves her productivity. Furthermore, Jane now feels comfortable around her colleagues and eats lunch with them rather than eating alone at her desk. Jane can now share ideas with her workers, leading to fantastic new solutions. Jane creates a consistent and efficient atmosphere just from her confidence alone. Isn’t Jane awesome?

Corporate Training Ramps Up Productivity

Employees who feel secure are likely to focus their energy into producing results rather than worrying about their status within their company. Along with the security, workers who go through corporate training no longer have to spend time on learning, but rather can focus their efforts on doing. Therefore, with an increase in overall skill level comes an increase in the number of solutions.

Hiring a new employee does not necessarily add to the productivity of a company or a team, whereas training an existing team virtually guarantees that their future level of production will increase.

The Round-Up

The benefits of corporate training are far more extensive than what can be written in one blog post. For the most part, it all boils down to cost-effective internal improvement. However, the needs of businesses with regards to corporate training vary from company to company. Here in lies the beauty of customizable training sessions that we offer at Product School.

Rather than rigid instructions that lack variability, Product School structures curriculums that address the specific areas within each company. Furthermore, teams who complete the corporate training program receive Product Management certificates (a valuable addition to any LinkedIn profile or Resume). So whether those taking classes are Product Management veterans that are looking to fine-tune their arsenal of tools, or a newcomer looking to level up, Product School corporate training delivers results.

This article was originally published on The Product School blog. We teach product management, data analytics and coding courses in 16 campuses across the US, UK and Canada and the world. To learn more about our upcoming courses and how to apply, visit our course page.

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