How to choose the best video making DIY tool for your business?

Nandhini TS
Product Coalition
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2020


Source: Freepik

It is hard to imagine those times when videos were not a part of the marketing strategies and content plan. Have you ever wondered how companies used to communicate with their customers, do the brand building, create support collateral, and launch products in the past?

A brief history of videos in marketing

Well, videos were not quite as accessible to all the marketers in the 1900’s. The first video commercial was done way back in 1941 for a brand called Bulova. As it is known, a video is worth a million words, and the first brand to ever buy this idea and promulgate their product through video commercials is almost 80 years ago.

<iframe width=”560" height=”315" src=”" frameborder=”0" allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Since then, the role of videos made tremendous resonance in the marketing industry. Fast forward today, videos are everywhere and not just in marketing. We have explainer videos, animated videos, live videos, educational videos, tutorials, employee onboarding videos, Youtube videos, IGTVs and there’s no end to it.

Videos are being seen as a potential medium to monetize creativity as well. With virtual reality and other interesting technology-based advancements taking over, it is only fair to invest in them now instead of bickering over other things.

If you are already surfing the ocean with video-based content creation or gearing up to kickstart the process, here are some tips that you’d find handy to either invest in a tool or switch from your existing DIY video making tool.

5 Questions you need to ask your DIY video making tool vendor

1. Is the DIY tool really a do-it-yourself?

Jump in and ask your vendor for a product demo and observe everything. Sometimes, the tool may look simple while the expert is doing because it may only appear so. If you keenly observe, you’ll be able to say if the tool will burn you out or not. After careful evaluation and trial see how simple and intuitive the software is. If it involves a learning curve and hampers the idea of creating quality videos at scale, then, you have got to switch.

2. How diverse and voluminous is the asset library?

Do you know what ravages a good video and robs it of its awesomeness? The lack of assets that do not feed your imagination. Explore the library of assets yourself, read the web copies and know the numbers and third-party media integrations.

If you have an idea that can change the world, it should not be limited by scarce resources. You can also ask your vendor about how they intend to grow the library and what their targets are.

3. What sets you apart from the other video making tools?

As a user when you are researching the various options you have, it is natural for you to feel overwhelmed with rhetorical web copies. But, there must be something that sets some tools apart from the usual bunch, a one that’s not just another “me too” product.

Ask your vendor what’s one USP in their product that they’re proud of and that no other player has yet or would take forever to replicate. You’ll find your answers.

4. Do you have features and technology that can simplify complex animations?

The whole point of opting in for a DIY video making tool is to simplify the process of animation. So, the most important question you need to be asking your vendor is whether the tool has features that can simplify the process of complex character and property animations.

Don’t invest in tools that make you cringe over the lack of apathy over what they do.

5. What quality can be expected from the video?

Always be concerned about video quality. A video that has the pristine quality and that tells a story with granular detailing is what captures the audience, improves engagement, and makes it go viral.


Videos are the best way to grab attention and improve user engagement. Whether you’re an individual, an established brand, or a video enthusiast, the key is in investing in the right tools.

Don’t be drowned in the options available in the market. Do your research and ask the right questions. I hope this post has helped you buckle up for your demo sessions with questions jotted down on your notepads!



Product Marketer | Content Creator | Creator of The Digitaldyno. Sticky notes and bulky planners make me happy!