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Refining Your Leadership Skills Begins With Internal Reflection

Refining Your Leadership Skills Begins With Internal Reflection

Many young entrepreneurs today find that managing and growing a product or a business is more work than expected. As such, they often give up, get discouraged, and head straight back to somebody else’s time clock. But not you. You are ready to grab the reins of entrepreneurship and steer your way directly toward long-term success. If you’re struggling in a few areas, however, as many new leaders do, you’ll need to look within yourself and make changes that put you in a better position to be an effective and respected figurehead.

Here are a few things to look for and rectify as you grow your business venture.

Lack Of Structure

Structure is a struggle for many of us. But, without structure and personal accountability, it’s very difficult to achieve all of our goals. Business coaching can help you find your motivation to get and remain structured. For coaching and tips, visit Building Insanely Great Products to learn how to conduct market research, distribution strategies, how to ensure customer loyalty, and much more. Once you can learn to manage all of the events and activities of your day, you’ll find that you have more room for self-improvement.


Procrastination can set us back in both our personal and professional lives. We procrastinate for many reasons, including anxiety and lack of self-control, according to the Solving Procrastination blog. In our businesses, failure to complete or simply never start some tasks, particularly legal ones, like copywriting, patents, and if you are responsible for the payroll, taxes, unemployment insurance, incorporation fees, and forming our business structures, can have serious consequences. Look for ways to get through things that you do not want to do. In the business formation example, you can search for formation companies that can take the more challenging aspects of the process off of your plate. Or, for payroll, consider outsourcing to a bookkeeper or accountant.

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Unwillingness To Learn

Running a product or a business is a huge burden. And, it’s one we often take on our own with very little support. But, what many of us fail to realize is that we have a support network of people, from friends and family to business colleagues, that we can learn from. Don’t get caught up in the notion that you know how to do everything, even when you are an expert in your industry. Learning from others gives us a unique insight and provides access to their breadth of experience, which we can translate into usable data to help us grow.

You can also take this a step further and enroll in business courses that can specifically help you bolster your leadership and management skills. You will likely find new ways to approach business decisions, as well as gain a deeper understanding of growing a business.


You’ve likely run into your fair share of uncooperative vendors and employees. These difficult individuals cause challenges within your business, but you likely address the problem and look for ways to improve their attitude. But, have you considered that your employees may think that you are uncooperative? If you find yourself constantly barking orders, not pitching in, or brushing off your workers’ suggestions, you are missing out on many valuable opportunities to improve yourself and your business.

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Lack of Organization

The saying a cluttered house leads to a cluttered mind translates to business management. If your files are disorganized or haphazardly stored, you can’t simply disseminate necessary information to staff or clients. Suffice it to say, it’s not a good look for someone in a leadership position. Just like your accountant organizes and stores your financial documents, so should you when it comes to digitizing important business papers. Organize your files so they are categorized accordingly and quickly accessible.

One-Sided Thinking

One-sided thinking often leaves us missing out on opportunities to improve ourselves and our businesses. One example: gender bias. According to The Conversation, gender-biased thinking is often unconscious, and it’s full of paradoxes. For instance, we often think of women as “better” than men in the vast majority of our lives. But, the moment a woman steps into a position of power, especially in male-dominated areas, we unconsciously get combative and see them negatively. Make a point to recognize your conscious and unconscious biases, and take steps to challenge and change them.

Poor Communication

Business leaders must be excellent communicators. We have to be able to talk with and be comfortable around people on a variety of levels, from our entry-level employees to CEOs of multi-million-dollar corporations. If you aren’t comfortable or confident, look at your communication skills. If you want to improve the way you interact with others, start watching your body language when you talk. You can also ask questions and, most importantly, put distractions out of sight. This means your phone should never be in your hand when you are talking with a person face-to-face.

When you want to be a better leader, you have to start by improving yourself. No amount of external changes, like hiring and firing new employees and implementing new practices, will make a difference if you aren’t in a position to usher in success.

Courtney Rosenfeld

Courtney Rosenfeld, author, creator of Gig Spark shares some tips on using outsourcing. Especially relevant in this tight labor market, it might make sense for some of your work to be done by a non-employee.

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