Why I had to turn to No-Code tools at scale-up

James Abayomi Ojo ⚡
Product Coalition
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2020


No-Code Tools: Open up access, Automate workflows

In the arena of Product Management 👩‍🔬

It was my first 3 months into a company that had ambitious plans (and still does) to grow. What this usually means is that amongst Shareholders, Board of Directors and the C-Suite are expectations that need to be reported on. The usual stuff.

I was working a new and exciting project that still needed to prove itself. Yes the strategy was set, but as all PM’s will tell you:

We need more developers

The current challenge was that we had been building a lead-capture form to collect leads from a new marketing campaign that was about to go out and even though the Operations Lead understood that we were not going to have to rely on a manual process of Spreadsheets to save leads into, I could sense he was nervous about the whole thing.

What if we get more customers than expected? You don’t understand James, I need all the information I need in a suitable manner because once leads come in the pressure is on to deliver

It’s all about the bottom line at the end of the day 👨‍💼

The pressure was on. I wanted to give us the best chance of success and even though I could sense we were going to have good conversions with our email campaigns, on the commercial side, I knew we’d have an issue if we couldn’t process leads efficiently. I had my eye on the bottom line and needed this to work.

No-Code saves the day 🛠️🕺

🤔 I remembered that we had been using FormsCarry and was going to use a Zap to a Google Sheet anyway. If we could just get those leads into the most basic CRM that this not so tech-savvy sales Operations Lead could use. 💥 Trello saves the day

It felt like how Jordan must have felt with those buzzer-beater moments

What’s funny is that I had been working with no-code tools with people building side-hustles for time but I never thought that I would be using it at a company with 180+ employees.

  • I wonder how many people in the same situation would have pushed back the release until we could buy and expensive CRM?
  • I wonder how many people would have spent some of the development budget on getting their CRM configured even integrated?

Turning to no-code solutions allows us to quickly solve our problems with tools that are easy to use and are within our capabilities



Product Manager. Helping people who can’t code to kickstart and validate ideas without breaking the bank. Sharing more at www.jayyoms.com