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Video Marketing Made Easy: Proven Strategies for Lead Generation and Growth

Image by honeycombhc from Pixabay

Video marketing has become an invaluable tool for businesses and marketers, offering a powerful way to reach new target audiences. Through effective brand engagement, it can expand lead generation opportunities while driving long-term business growth.

However, an effective strategy is key for businesses that want to leverage the power of video. Companies can achieve this by implementing industry standards to maximize their videos’ reach and create meaningful content that drives engagement with customers. 

With strategic planning in place, organizations can ensure their video marketing efforts yield results beyond what they originally planned for.

Choosing The Right Video Content to Create

With a wide range of video styles, formats, and platforms available, it’s important to understand which format best resonates with your target audience. From educational explainers and quirky animations to engaging product tutorials, the right content format can be the difference between engagement and digital silence. 

Content that is tailored specifically to convey your desired message in an impactful way will have the most lasting impact on your audience and create a memorable connection. Here are a few video ideas to get the creative juices flowing. 

Product Demos 

A product demo video is exactly what it sounds like, showcasing your product in action. These types of videos are typically short, only lasting between 1-2 minutes, and focus on highlighting your product’s key features and benefits. Product demo videos are an excellent way to introduce new customers to your products or services. 

They’re also a great way to show off any new features or updates you’ve made to existing products. And because they’re so focused on showcasing your products, they’re an ideal choice if your primary marketing goal is increasing conversion rates or generating sales leads.

Testimonial Videos

A testimonial video is a first-person account from one of your satisfied customers about their experience using your product or service. These videos can be powerful because they come from an unbiased third party and provide potential customers with an honest look at what it’s like to use your products. 

That said, testimonial videos only work if you have happy customers willing to go on camera and sing your praises. If you don’t think you have any customers who fit that bill, consider reaching out to some of your most engaged users and offering them an incentive like a discount on their next purchase in exchange for participating in the video. 

Explainer Videos 

Another popular type of video content is the explainer video. These videos usually take a more educational approach and outline how your product or service works in simple, easy-to-understand language.

Explainer videos are perfect for businesses that sell complex products or services, such as cybersecurity and tech companies. That’s because they provide potential customers with the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not they want to buy your product. In other words, explainer videos can help increase conversion rates by reducing buyer anxiety. 

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Brand Films 

Brand films are an invaluable storytelling tool for B2B companies, elevating potential customer relationships to a whole new level. Instead of simply presenting your product or service offerings, these videos provide viewers with rich insights into the company’s values and culture – enabling them to understand its mission on a deeper level. 

Through employee interviews and other stakeholders’ voices, brand films can facilitate trust-building between businesses that have yet to be connected.

Planning Your Video Content Strategy

A well-planned video content strategy is essential for any business to maximize its online presence and increase customer engagement. By planning your video content strategy with intention, you can ensure that the videos you create will be effective, engaging, and perfectly tailored to your target audience. 

The following are a few practical steps you can take to create a successful video content strategy that moves the needle in your business. 

Set Goals 

The first step in creating an effective video content strategy is setting goals. Think about what you want to achieve with your videos and ensure these goals are realistic and achievable. 

For example, do you want to build brand awareness or increase customer engagement? Or maybe your goal is to generate leads or strengthen relationships with customers. 

Regardless of your unique goals, once you’ve identified them, you can better plan how to use video content to help reach them. 

Identify Your Target Audience 

Before producing any video content, it’s essential to know as much as possible about the identify, desires, goals, obstacles, and needs of your target audience. This helps you create content that resonates with them and establishes a connection with your brand. 

You should consider factors such as age range, gender, location, interests, etc., to tailor your videos accordingly. Knowing your target audience will help guide the type of videos and messaging used to drive maximum results.  

Determine Your Budget and Resources 

Once you’ve put together a plan for success, it’s time to decide how much of an investment the video content will require. From production and talent to editing and delivery, there may be several expenses to consider. 

The costs could be minimal or quite substantial depending on what kinds of videos are being created, if complex animating techniques or special filming elements come into play, or whether you’ve hired a commercial video production team to complete the project.

You’ll also want to remember that additional costs may surface due to project scope considerations. For budget sanity, teaming up with experienced video production professionals who handle varying budgets can help ensure any financial surprises remain within control. 

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They can also help to advise whether or not your intended results are reasonable based on the total dollar amount you’re willing to spend.

Choose Platforms Carefully 

Your next step should be selecting the platforms or channels where you want your videos to be posted. YouTube is perhaps the most popular platform for hosting videos, but there are many others, including Vimeo, Dailymotion, Wistia, Twitch, Facebook Live, Instagram, and others, that may be better suited for certain types of content or your target audience. 

It’s important that you analyze each platform carefully before making any decisions to know that it fits your overall goals and objectives. That way, you can ensure that the right people see your videos at the right time. 

Of course, you always have the option to recycle content on multiple platforms, but if you’re new to video marketing and content creation, start and stick with one until you’re ready to scale. 

Focus on Brand Consistency

Brand consistency is key when it comes to video content. Your videos should reflect your company’s brand identity and messaging across all platforms in order to create a cohesive experience for viewers. 

This can range from the overall style of the videos – including colors, logos, and fonts – to more subtle elements such as background music and narration. To ensure a consistent look and feel across all of your videos, consider creating a style guide that outlines best practices for producing video content.

By planning your steps ahead of time, you can create a successful video content strategy that generates results and helps your business reach its goals. With the right resources, budget, and focus on brand consistency, you can ensure your videos get more eyes and ears on them while driving better returns on investment.

Generate Better Leads With Strategic Video Content

Make no mistake about it; generating video content that is both engaging and informative isn’t always easy. However, it is a highly effective way to gain a larger audience and generate better leads for your business. 

With the right mixture of creativity, strategy, and resources, you can create videos that expand your brand exposure and convert prospects into long-standing, paying customers.

Torrey Tayenaka

Torrey Tayenaka is the co-founder and CEO at Sparkhouse, an Orange County based commercial video production company. He is often asked to contribute expertise in publications like Entrepreneur, Single Grain and Forbes. Sparkhouse is known for transforming video marketing and advertising into real conversations.Rather than hitting the consumer over the head with blatant ads, Sparkhouse creates interesting, entertaining and useful videos that enrich the lives of his clients’ customers. In addition to Sparkhouse, Torrey has also founded the companies Eva Smart Shower, Litehouse & Forge54.


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