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Here’s Everything You Must Know to Avoid Common Mistakes and Disasters When Naming Your Brand

The brand name of your firm acts as its basic identification. Even if a celebrity or influencer promotes your business, your brand name and the impression it produces on purchasers will always come before your company’s identity.

Choosing the right brand name can affect your company’s future and increase its chances of success. Many firms have failed due to the fact that their founders were unable to match their success in establishing a distinct product with their brand names.

These entrepreneurs chose names that were boring, disrespectful, or tone-deaf, which caused severe problems for their businesses.

And if you’re not sure how to come up with a brilliant brand name that will set your brand apart, keep reading because we’ve developed a simple guide for you.

Three Naming Blunders to Steer Clear of

1. Brand Names with a Negative Connotation

Customers frequently express their views when confronted with unpleasant societal situations. As a result, if your organization decides to speak out against these concerns, even if it does so in a way unconnected to your brand or product name, you will lose clients since individuals who disagree with your point of view are going to be less inclined to patronize your services.

Colourpop’s horrible names for their darkest colors of cosmetics, ‘Yikes’ and ‘Typo,’ generated criticism because they are disrespectful and humiliating to a large portion of their audience. Even if you choose to give your firm an edgy tone, avoid brand names like ‘Curl Up and Dye Salon’ and ‘Pee Cola,’ as they will offend a large portion of your target audience.

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Also, try avoiding any politically controversial topics, or at the barest minimum, manage them with extreme discretion; otherwise, your business might end up like Harry’s Razor, MyPillow, or Gillette.

2. Complicated Brand Names

Short, uncomplicated names are ideal for your brand since they are memorable and simple to find on the internet. Clients are significantly more likely to be drawn in by simple, catchy, and distinctive company names.

If your business name is difficult to say, you risk losing clients to competitors with names that are easy, straightforward, and interesting.

Many businesses still miss the significance of choosing a memorable company name, neglecting the fact that companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Google have leveraged their strong brand names to cement their positions in the minds of customers.Understand that customers prefer simple, straightforward names rather than long, complicated ones. So, while establishing your business and building a brand, find a reliable brand name agency and get an outstanding brand name.

3. Names With Displeasing Foreign Meanings

Words have different connotations for various individuals, and names, which are also words, are no different. Your audience includes people from all around the world, as they will become acquainted with your firm, either via publicity or by chance, and if your name means something displeasing to these clients in their native language, they’ll leave and choose other products over yours.

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Customers readily dumped a large corporation like Nokia because their flagship phone was called ‘Lumia,’ which is Spanish for ‘prostitute.’ Mazda’s ‘Laputa,’ which also had a Spanish meaning of ‘the whore,’ had the same fate.

These and more prove how buyers would reject any item with a sour name. To ensure that your business name is not unpleasant to clients in other nations, perform a thorough language study to ensure customers from other parts of the world will not find it upsetting.

Customers Come First

Among the most disturbing aspects of branding is the tendency for mistakes to rapidly define your entire company in the eyes of potential clients.

So, address your customers’ wants and ensure that any branding actions you take, such as coming up with a brand name or tone, connect with them appropriately. Remember that your inability to meet the demands of both your company and customers is usually the root cause of terrible brand names.

As these names are established without conducting adequate brand and consumer research, they wind up contradicting the company, offending customers, and severely impacting sales. Consequently, pay close attention to your business and provide it with an exceptional brand name and identity that customers will easily recognize.

Grant Polachek

Grant Polachek is the head of branding for, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed more than 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today. We are also the world's leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients such as Nestle, Dell, Nuskin, and AutoNation.

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