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How Benn Stancil’s newsletter became the cure for data biz ‘thought leadership’

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Daniel Bean
Managing Editor @ Mixpanel
Last Edited:
Jun 7, 2024
Mar 11, 2024

You’re a company founder and a CTO. You fit the role for someone we’d like to get thoughtful industry deep-dives from, but unfortunately, it’s still a rare thing to see. What led you to start writing your newsletter?

Did you have prior experience with writing? It’s not an easy thing to get right, but your entertaining and informative style reads to me like you know what you’re doing.

Have there ever been any business goals for your writing on the blog or your newsletter?

Have you noticed any trends around which topics that you write about get more readership and engagement?

What do you think of the state of your industry’s “thought leadership”? Are you surprised more people in positions like yours aren’t spending time sharing their considered thoughts on the data world, “sharp edges” and all?

Can you give me some examples of those benefits you have seen from pushing the newsletter to be smarter and more interesting?

Analytics for everyone.

Reverse question: How do you think your writing has benefited or impacted the data world?

Do you have any pieces of advice for builders or leaders who do want to try to buckle down, sharpen their takes, and get their thoughts out there into the blogosphere?

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Daniel Bean
Daniel Bean
Managing Editor @ Mixpanel