Here are 10 simple things you can do to consistently build your CPG brand

An amazing product, not a good product. You can’t be a brand with just using stock imagery, and it goes the same for product. – Nik Sharma

99% of entrepreneurs in CPG fail because they don’t build a BRAND, even if they had a good product. After helping launch 11 brands in the last 18 months, I’ve put together a Modern Day Brand Ingredient List. Here are 10 simple things you can do to consistently build brand 👇

Have a reason to exist & a problem you’re solving If you’re not solving a problem, there’s no reason to exist. Solving problems makes it easy to add value, & in turn, lowers the barrier to purchase. It’s why Apple can sell a $2,000 laptop & Dyson can sell a $600 straightener.

A story to relate to — the “Why?” Chances are, someone can buy your product or service from 18 other brands, apps, or vendors. Why yours? Be unapologetic in your storytelling. It’s what sets you apart & keeps you top of mind. It’s why you choose McDonald’s> Burger King.

A sense of community & belonging Everyone wants a place to belong or something to make them feel wholesome — it’s why we love team sports! Events, a digital group, dinners, or just knowing you can go talk to the other person wearing MadHappy, it’s clear, people want community.

An amazing product, not a good product. You can’t be a brand with just using stock imagery, and it goes the same for product. In a world with 274 serums, yours needs to work even better to survive.

A deep understanding of your customer. Just knowing their gender, location & age aren’t enough. You’re speaking with humans, not robots. Get to know: • where do they consume content • what apps are on their phone • who do they follow Know them inside & out!

Unique messaging and visual identity. Standing apart in your messaging and product is just as important as visually standing out. If you can’t differentiate yourself in a feed or on a shelf, your hard work goes unnoticed. Look to fashion brands for the best inspiration here.

Consistency across consumer touchpoints. Your messaging, tone of voice, design language, promotions, & creative should be consistent across all your touchpoints: • website • emails & texts • press • packaging, etc You want to build an identity, not just have a pretty face.

The desire to do right by the customer. In the world of entrepreneurship, you’re always going for margin, but unhappy customers are costly mistakes. Happy customer = you’ll get 3 new customers from the word of mouth. Unhappy customer = damaged reputation, online reviews, etc.

A clear purpose within someone’s day or life. If you’re not built into a routine or making someone’s life better, you’ll have a hard time selling. Solve a problem people experience daily & you’ll always be in business. There are exceptions (i.e. JUDY emergency kits).