The Enduring Obsession: Big Brands and NFTs — A Tale of Hope and Uncertainty

Christian Edward
NFT Daily Dose
Published in
12 min readOct 16, 2023


NFTs: A Shaky Start for the Big Fish

When it comes to the world of NFTs, even the biggest brands are not immune to the initial turbulence.

Major brands, like GameStop, once hyped up their NFT marketplaces, hoping to ride the NFT craze to success. However, it’s been a bumpy ride. Just over a year ago, GameStop was enthusiastically promoting their NFT marketplace, but as November approaches, they’re rushing to close shop. Their reason? “Regulatory uncertainty in the crypto space.”

These brands had to grapple with the rapidly evolving nature of the NFT development market, regulatory concerns, and the rollercoaster-like price fluctuations of digital tokens.

The Divisive Market: Critics vs. Believers

As with any groundbreaking phenomenon, NFTs have their critics and their unwavering believers. The NFT market is a battleground where these two camps clash.

Critics argue that the majority of NFTs are on a downward spiral to worthlessness. A recent report by crypto analysis firm dappGambl shook the NFT world. They found that a staggering 69,795 out of 73,257 NFT collections had a market cap of precisely zero Ether. Yes, zero. In essence, they were less valuable than the space they occupy on your hard drive. To make matters worse, the data suggests that 95% of NFT owners are nursing losses, watching their digital treasures dwindle in value.

But in the midst of the NFT naysayers, there remain staunch NFT enthusiasts. These individuals argue that the current dip is just a temporary setback, and the grand vision of Web3 and digital scarcity still holds promise. Indeed, it’s true that the NFT market cap has been on a steady decline for over a year, and many NFT drops have been more like flops. Even the so-called “successful” projects like the Bored Ape Yacht Club find little reason to celebrate, realizing that there’s not much glory in flexing on the have-nots when the overall NFT market is in the doldrums.

The clash between these two groups creates an air of uncertainty, and it’s not unlike watching a heated debate unfold. Will the critics prove the enthusiasts wrong, or is there more to NFTs than meets the eye?

The NFT Landscape: Highs and Lows

NFTs in Numbers: A Dive into Market Cap Realities

You’ve probably heard about NFTs being sold for millions, but have you ever wondered about the numbers that lie beneath the surface? Well, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty.

dappGambl analyzed NFT collections using public crypto scanning sites like CoinMarketCap and NFT Scan. What they found was quite the eye-opener. Out of 73,257 NFT collections, a staggering 69,795 of them had a market cap of zero Ether. That’s right, zero! In simpler terms, most of these NFTs are essentially worth nothing more than the data it takes to load up each individual .JPG file.

Now, if we crunch the numbers further, we’ll find that a whopping 95% of NFT owners are in the red. Yes, you heard that correctly. The vast majority of those who have invested in digital tokens have actually lost money.

This data reveals the stark reality that not all NFTs are created equal. While some might indeed be worth a fortune, many are sinking like stones in a vast digital sea.

NFTs: The 95% Dilemma — Are Digital Tokens Truly Worthless?

Now, here’s the million-dollar question: are NFTs truly as worthless as these numbers might suggest? It’s a dilemma that’s been stirring up debates in the world of digital collectibles.

On one side, you have the critics who point to the data and say, “See? We told you so!” To them, the plummeting market cap and the significant number of zero-value NFTs are clear indicators that the NFT craze was nothing more than a bubble ready to burst.

But then, there’s the other camp, the NFT enthusiasts who remain hopeful. They argue that this dip is merely a temporary setback. They believe in the grand vision of Web3 and digital scarcity. To them, the future of NFTs remains bright, despite the turbulent seas it’s currently navigating.

The truth likely lies somewhere in between, and the market’s enduring fascination with NFTs continues to be a tale of hope and uncertainty.

The NFT Enthusiasts

Holding Onto Hope: The Believers’ Perspective

There’s a group that refuses to give up on the dream. These are the NFT enthusiasts, the true believers who are convinced that the current turbulence is just a temporary setback on the path to digital glory.

The Unwavering Faith: A Flash in the Pan or a Beacon for Web3?

The NFT enthusiasts see something beyond the stormy horizon. They see a flash in the pan, a momentary dazzle, but also a beacon for the future — Web3.

To them, NFTs represent the beginning of a new era, one where digital ownership and scarcity can be a reality. They believe that Web3, the decentralized, user-centric internet, is the ultimate destination, and NFTs are the vessels that will get us there.

The NFT Market Cap Saga: More Than Just a Year of Decline

The NFT market cap has been on a decline for over a year now, and that’s no secret. The skeptics point to this as a sign of impending doom, but the enthusiasts beg to differ.

The enthusiasts argue that these fluctuations are a natural part of any emerging market. In their view, the market cap isn’t just about the numbers; it’s about the journey. It’s about learning, adapting, and evolving.

The Struggles of Success: Why Even “Winning” NFT Projects Are Worried

But what about the NFT projects that have seemingly “succeeded”? Even they find themselves grappling with unexpected challenges.

The NFT projects that have gained recognition, like the Bored Ape Yacht Club, are facing the pressure to maintain their success. They’re questioning whether there’s a genuine market for their digital treasures. After all, it’s no fun celebrating at the peak if there’s no one to share the view with.

The believers are navigating the waves of uncertainty with the hope that their journey will lead them to a brighter, digital future.

Brands in the NFT Limelight

Stuck in the Game: Brands That Can’t Quit NFT Dreams

It’s not just individuals who’ve taken the plunge; major brands have also eagerly ventured into this digital realm. These corporate giants, with their vast resources and established names, found themselves at a crossroads. Do they continue to ride the NFT wave, or do they pull back in the face of uncertainty? Let’s dive into the stories of GameStop, Nivea, Anheuser-Busch, and Samsung, all of whom have made their mark in the NFT world, for better or for worse.

GameStop: From NFT Hype to Regulatory Retreat

Imagine you’re GameStop, and you’ve witnessed the NFT frenzy taking the world by storm. Just over a year ago, you’re enthusiastically promoting your NFT marketplace, confident that it’s the next big thing. But now, the winds have shifted. GameStop is looking to jump ship and get rid of its NFT store this November. The reason? “Regulatory uncertainty of the crypto space.”

The enthusiasm waned as concerns over regulatory issues grew. For GameStop, the hope for NFT riches was replaced by a desire for safer shores.

Nivea and Anheuser-Busch: Silent Stalls in NFT Ventures

Other brands like Nivea and Anheuser-Busch also tried their hand at NFTs. Nivea’s “The Value of Touch” branded NFT drop garnered attention, but it’s been radio silence since then. Anheuser-Busch, a giant in the world of beverages, released NFTs in 2022 to promote its non-alcoholic beer. However, the company hasn’t publicized any new NFT projects in the year that followed.

It’s as if these brands took a leap of faith into the NFT world, made some noise, but then quietly retreated into the shadows. The enthusiasm that once surrounded their NFT ventures seems to have fizzled out, leaving us to wonder if they found the experience less rewarding than anticipated.

Samsung’s Realistic NFTs: Art or Artifice?

Samsung, a tech behemoth, made waves by promoting its 8k TVs as the ideal canvas for displaying “realistic looking NFT digital art.” But for many, this claim raised eyebrows. Is it truly a revolutionary step in digital art or just a clever marketing ploy? After all, can a TV screen really capture the essence of an NFT like a framed painting does?

It’s akin to pondering whether a high-definition TV screen can truly replicate the essence of a traditional painting hanging in a gallery. Samsung’s venture into the world of NFTs raises questions about the authenticity of these digital collectibles and whether they can ever match the tangible appeal of traditional art.

The journeys of GameStop, Nivea, Anheuser-Busch, and Samsung in the NFT landscape illustrate the challenges and uncertainties faced by major brands as they navigate this uncharted territory. While some choose to retreat, others continue to explore, with the hope of discovering the true potential of NFTs in their respective industries.

The Silent Explorers: Brands Using NFTs to Lock Content

Some major companies have chosen a quieter path, exploring the use of NFTs in intriguing ways. They’re not making as much noise as the early adopters, but they’re making significant strides.

Shopify’s Token-Gate: The NFT Paywall Experiment

Shopify, the e-commerce giant, developed a service that allows merchants to build blockchain-based products, but here’s the twist. With it, sellers can literally “token-gate” their users. It’s akin to a nightclub bouncer checking your name off a list. Only those who’ve purchased an NFT can pass through the velvet rope, accessing exclusive content or products.

It’s a bold experiment, and Shopify is not alone in testing the waters. Several brands are considering similar setups, essentially asking customers if they’d be willing to spend money on what may seem like worthless digital assets, just for the privilege of joining an exclusive club where they can spend even more.

CBS Studios: Patents and NFTs — A Star Trek Affair

Meanwhile, CBS Studios, known for its iconic Star Trek franchise, has entered the NFT arena discreetly but with a significant mission. They filed a patent for more NFTs based on their beloved sci-fi series. This move came shortly before the company that had previously supplied NFTs for them, Recur, went under during the crypto winter.

This patent hints at a future where NFTs become more than just collectibles; they become the keys to exclusive, interactive, and immersive experiences. Fans may soon find themselves exploring the final frontier in a whole new way, all thanks to these blockchain-based keys.

In a world where some brands are exiting the NFT scene and others are navigating rocky waters, Shopify and CBS Studios are the silent explorers, using NFTs to open doors to unique experiences and content. The question remains: will consumers embrace these novel ventures, or is the silent explorer’s path a road less traveled for a reason?

NFT Development for Brands

Brands found various ways to tap into the NFT craze, and one thing’s for sure, they’re not ready to let go just yet.

Brands Hold on to NFTs to Keep Their Community Growing

Imagine you’re a major brand, and you’ve already got a loyal community of customers. You want to keep that community engaged, excited, and growing. That’s where NFT loyalty programs come in. For brands, NFTs can be more than just digital collectibles; they can be a way to foster brand loyalty and create a sense of belonging.

NFT Loyalty and Marketplaces for Brands Still Have Value

Now, you might wonder, “Is the NFT hype just a passing trend for brands?” The answer seems to be a resounding “No.” NFTs continue to be valuable for brands, as they offer a tangible way to connect with customers.

These digital assets, tied to a brand, can be traded or sold, giving customers a stake in the brand’s ecosystem. Just think of it like owning shares in a company. As the brand flourishes, so does the value of those NFTs. This creates a win-win scenario where the brand and its community both benefit.

But NFTs are not just about the tokens themselves. They’re also about the marketplaces where these transactions occur. It’s like having your own marketplace where enthusiasts can gather, swap their treasures, and strengthen the brand’s digital ecosystem.

Choosing the Right NFT Development Company for NFT Brand Loyalty Programs

For brands, the key to successful NFT ventures lies in choosing the right NFT development company. This is crucial for developing NFT brand loyalty programs that resonate with customers.

Selecting a development company is a bit like choosing the architect for your dream house. You want to ensure they understand your vision, have the technical expertise to bring it to life, and can guide you through the process. When it comes to NFTs, you need a partner who can design, develop, and maintain your brand’s unique digital collectibles. They should know how to create a seamless user experience, offer secure transactions, and provide ongoing support.

In the world of NFT development for brands, the right partner can make all the difference in turning an enduring obsession into a successful and valuable venture. As major brands continue to hold onto NFTs, the possibilities for brand loyalty and community growth seem boundless.

The Big Question

As the NFT landscape evolves, they face a monumental question: can they truly reshape the narrative of these digital collectibles and turn them into a valuable asset for both their customers and themselves?

The Million-Dollar Query: Can Major Brands Reshape the NFT Narrative?

It’s a question worth millions, if not billions. Major brands have the power to influence the trajectory of NFTs. They bring a level of trust, recognition, and resources that can be a game-changer. However, the NFT landscape is far from stable. It’s riddled with stories of skyrocketing prices, plummeting values, and a fair share of skepticism.

Major brands are at this crossroads with NFTs. They can see the immense promise, but they’re also aware of the unpredictable nature of the market. It’s like setting sail on an uncharted sea, not knowing whether you’ll discover new worlds or get lost in the abyss.

The Uncertain Road Ahead: Convincing Customers to Invest

For major brands to reshape the NFT narrative, they need to convince their customers that these digital tokens are more than just fleeting trends. They have to show that NFTs hold real value and offer unique experiences.

Put yourself in the shoes of a brand’s customer. You’ve heard about NFTs, but you’re unsure whether they’re a wise investment. Why should you spend your hard-earned money on a digital collectible? Major brands must answer these questions, providing not only a tangible value proposition but also a sense of trust and authenticity.

It’s akin to a traveler considering a new destination. The brand is the tour guide, responsible for painting a vivid picture of what’s in store. They need to make the journey seem not just worthwhile but exhilarating. The road ahead may be uncertain, but it’s the brand’s duty to light the way.

The NFT Dreamers: Major Brands Still Holding Out for Their Lunar Voyage

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, these major brands are still holding on to their NFT dreams. They may have faced setbacks, but they’re not ready to jump ship just yet. Instead, they’re in it for the long haul, hoping to discover the lunar landscape of NFT success.

These brands are like dreamers staring at the night sky, imagining a future where NFTs become an integral part of our digital world. From GameStop to Nivea, Anheuser-Busch to Samsung, they’re each pursuing their own unique NFT journeys, contributing to the ever-evolving story of these digital collectibles.

As the major brands navigate the uncertain road of NFTs, they’re not just holding out for a lunar voyage. They’re striving to craft a narrative where NFTs become a valuable and enduring asset, bringing not only profits but also unique experiences to their customers.


The journey of major brands in the NFT world is a tale of hope and uncertainty. While the road ahead may be filled with challenges, the potential for reshaping the NFT narrative remains tantalizing. It’s a story that’s still unfolding, with major brands as the protagonists, seeking to make their mark in the ever-evolving world of digital collectibles.



Christian Edward
NFT Daily Dose

Hi there! I’m a writer covering the latest trends in blockchain technology.