Live! Product Management of a Service

Jay Stansell
Product Coalition
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2 min readNov 12, 2019


Just dropped on the Product Coalition Podcast, Iain Summers and I chat about chat about product management of services.

Here are four more of the seven 2019 Melbourne Series podcast episodes:

The best way to get on top of the latest Product Coalition episodes is to subscribe:

If you’re enjoying the podcasts and would like to buy me a coffee to help keep me awake for editing the Sydney series, you can buy me a coffee here.

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Come join over 5,000+ product people on Slack for free, where we chat about all things related to product management, as well as enjoying our specialized channels.

From the publishing desk

I’m currently reviewing and editing more articles than ever before, sometimes 20–30 per week. With so many amazing new articles coming through, it’s hard to pick out my favourites, so this week I suggest you start on the homepage and work your way through the treasure trove, at

If you’d like to thank me for all this editing and reviewing (the publication is unsponsored and ad-free, and always has been), you can buy me a coffee here, and if you’d like to support your fellow writers and the Medium platform, have a look at the benefits of becoming a member.

Share your articles with our global audience

We are a crowdsourced publication and work with you to distribute your articles

I started the Product Coalition, as a way to help product passionate people bring their medium articles together into a common publication, in order to increase exposure.

This has been a passion project, that’s turned into a huge success, resulting in being one of Medium’s most engaged and followed product-focused publications.

  • 17k Medium followers
  • 5,000 Slack Members
  • 1.5k Facebook followers

If you’d like to become a writer or submit your product related Medium stories to, please get in touch via, and let me know your Medium username.

Authors retain full rights to their work and can remove their article at any time.

Coffee, coaching, consulting

Me, Jay, Product Coalition Founder

Whether it’s to connect or catch up over a virtual coffee (unless you’re in Melbourne 🇦🇺), to give you some product coaching, or to help out on a product problem your tackling, I’m always keen to connect with the product community globally. Please feel free to find me on the Product Coalition Slack, on Whatsapp (DM me on Slack and I’ll share my number), or LinkedIn.



Passionate about product people, product strategies and product delivery. Founder of