10 Health Apps to Inspire Healthcare Product Managers

Have you ever considered what our healthcare systems and treatments might look like in 2065?


In this fantastic report from Deloitte, they share a vision of healthcare that could be based entirely on an individual and their personal needs:

“Shoes will adapt their insoles for the perfect arch support to correct an individual’s gait as he or she goes. Cappuccino will be served in a smart cup that calculates the calories of its contents while ordinary looking earrings track heart rate, noise levels and air quality…”

Healthcare is headed towards a future of truly individualized and person-centred care, and COVID-19 has only served to accelerate this. It’s becoming increasingly easy to find examples of ‘futuristic’ and highly personalized healthcare experiences, which take into account not only an individual’s medical condition and symptoms but also their environmental context and unique behavioral patterns.

10 Innovative Health Apps — Our Top Picks

For product managers in the area of MedTech, Connected Health, Telehealth, here is a run-down of 10 innovative health apps that highlight that the future of personalized health is already here.

Health Apps #1: Dario— Smart Blood Glucose Monitoring

Image Source: www.dariohealth.com

Dario Health offers a smart, connected glucometer for measuring blood glucose levels at the individual’s convenience.

The device comes with a glucose meter, disposable test strip cartridge and lancing device. Personal measurements arrive in less than 6 seconds and automatically sync with the user app where the user receives an analysis of their condition and the ability to share information with caregivers directly.

Health Apps #2 — Medisafe — Medicine Management

Image Source: www.medisafe.com

The Medisafe app allows patients to set personalized reminders for all medications in their treatment plan.

If they miss a dose, they’ll receive real-time missed medication alerts. In addition to helping patients stay on track, the app offers warnings to US-based users to prevent prescriptions that shouldn’t be taken together, refill reminders and again, the ability to communicate directly with treatment providers.

Health Apps #3 — Propeller Health — Asthma & COPD

Propeller Health turns inhalers into smart devices. By connecting their inhaler to the Propeller app via small, custom-built sensors, people with asthma and COPD can track the date and time of their medication use.

The connected app also tracks and reports on location-based information such as air quality, humidity and temperature. By incorporating this information via BreezoMeter’s environmental APIs, the app correlates medication use and symptom flare-ups with actual triggers. This connected intelligence means patients can take action to control their symptoms ahead of time.

Health Apps #4 -SeizAlarm — Epilepsy & Seizures

Image Source: www.seizalarm.com

SeizAlarm’s seizure tracking technology works by connecting an Apple Watch or iPhone via an armband to their connected health app.

The app can then monitor for erratic-like motion based on clinically-tested algorithms. If the app detects abnormal motion, it will automatically send for help. In addition to motion detection, the app monitors heart rate, with the ability to set high and low thresholds based on what’s normal for the individual.

Health Apps #5 — ALK’s Klarify.Me — Seasonal Allergy Tracking

Image source: www.breezometer.com

ALK’s allergy companion app Klara empowers seasonal allergy sufferers to understand their specific environmental triggers 24/7.

Users receive daily pollen, weather and air quality information for their exact location in addition to 3-day forecasts. By regularly logging their symptoms, allergy sufferers begin to learn which triggers are worse for them — i.e. grass, weed or tree pollen — via insights that are entirely personalized to them.

Health Apps #6— D Minder Pro — Vitamin D Exposure

Image source: http://dminder.ontometrics.com/

D Minder Pro helps individuals optimize their natural Vitamin D absorption based on personal and behavioural factors.

The sun is by far the best source of Vitamin D for humans but how much you actually get exposed to depends on all kinds of personal factors — your specific location, body type and time of day. D Minder Pro provides a tool for users to maximise their exposure to Vitamin D meanwhile preventing the risk of sunburn.

Health Apps #7 — Qardio — Heart Disease

Image Source: www.qardio.com

Qardio allows individuals with chronic heart conditions to monitor their heart health without having to compromise their lifestyles.

Their Qardioarm blood pressure monitor connects with their patient app, which includes a range of functions such as irregular heartbeat detection, triple measurement average readings for accuracy, and the ability to update your doctor with your health status with a click of a button. The app also connects with Qardio’s wireless smart scale for BMI & body composition tracking!

Health Apps #8 — Clue — Period Tracking

Image Source: Clue on Medium

Clue provides women with a scientific, yet intuitive platform for understanding their monthly cycle and associated body changes.

With regular use, the app predicts period, PMS and fertility times and also offers the ability to track 30+ personal patterns through the month — from cramps, skin changes, mood changes and more. The ClueConnect feature offers a safe space to share information with others, like a partner.

Health Apps #9 —my m health — COVID-19 Virtual Ward

My mhealth’s COVID-19 Virtual Ward app helps health practitioners safely manage and monitor patients with suspected COVID-19 from a distance.

The app can be used alongside pulse oximeters and has been designed to integrate with the team’s suite of disease-specific apps for COPD, asthma, diabetes, and heart disease patients — making it easier for patients to manage symptoms all in one place. In addition to all of this, the platform provides easy monitoring of vital signs — oxygen saturation, blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature & more.

Health Apps #10 — BioBeats — Mental Wellbeing

Image source: https://www.biobeats.com/

BioBeats have created an app to empower employees to build stronger mental, emotional and physical resilience.

In addition to offering mental health monitoring for mood and cognitive function, the app can be connected to wearables in order to monitor connected physical health aspects — like activity levels, sleep and heart rate.

Not only does this solution provide individual employees with actionable insights and in-built therapeutic engagement courses, but the app also provides anonymized, aggregated data to employers so they can see how team members as a whole are doing.

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