Applying Gestalt Principles for Product Managers

One pillar of product management is the user experience. Therefore it is highly recommended to learn the basic principles — one being the Gestalt.

Keren Koshman
Product Coalition


Drawing inspiration from my experience as an engineer turned to product (yes, UX/UI are not my most robust suites), this article aims to demystify the application of Gestalt principles in visual design, providing product managers with insights to enhance their design-driven decisions and drive business results.

“Design is a conversation between the designer and the user, with Gestalt principles acting as the grammar that helps convey meaning.”

  1. The Power of Perception

In the realm of design, perception is key. The way users perceive and interact with a product influences their overall experience. The Gestalt principles — originating from psychology and applied to design — offer a systematic framework to understand how humans naturally perceive and organize visual information.

“The whole is other than the sum of the parts.” — Kurt Koffka

2. Gestalt in Action: Proximity and Similarity

Imagine scanning a page filled with various elements. Our brains instinctively group similar elements. This is where Gestalt’s principle of proximity and similarity comes into play. Elements that are close together are perceived as belonging to the same group. Likewise, elements that share visual attributes such as color, shape, or size are grouped together.

“In design, Gestalt principles guide creating cohesive and intuitive user experiences.”

3. Continuity and Closure: Crafting Seamless Experiences

Continuity and Closure are Gestalt principles that drive the sense of visual flow and completeness. The focus on continuity suggests that our eyes follow uninterrupted paths, guiding users through interfaces effortlessly. On the other hand, Closure compels users to mentally complete shapes that are not fully depicted, engaging them actively with the design.

“Gestalt principles remind us that visual perception is not just about the individual components, but how they come together to form a meaningful whole.”

4. A Personal Journey of Application

I recall a project where we were redesigning an e-commerce platform. Applying the Gestalt principles, we reorganized product listings, grouping similar items with consistent colors and placing related elements closer together. This not only enhanced user navigation but also streamlined the shopping process. Moreover, we reduced user friction and cart abandonment rates by ensuring that information flowed seamlessly from one section to another.

5. Conclusion: Embrace the Gestalt Advantage

UI and UX design holds the potential to differentiate our products in a crowded market. Understanding and embracing the Gestalt principles enables us to craft visually compelling and user-centric designs that resonate with our target audience. The psychology of perception, harnessed by these principles, offers a roadmap to creating intuitive interfaces and delightful experiences.

In the pursuit of crafting exceptional products, let us remember that design is not just about aesthetics — it’s about enhancing user satisfaction, building lasting connections, and leaving a positive impact. All this is needed to move the business needle in a meaningful way.



Product manager, mother of three, creating magic. I believe that product is a way of life. Reach out at: