Optimizing Onboarding Flows for Digital Healthcare Apps

A Guide for Product Managers

Parv Sondhi
Product Coalition


When it comes to digital healthcare apps, creating an effective onboarding flow is crucial.

It can determine whether a user feels comfortable navigating the app, understands its purpose, and ultimately continues using it. It introduces users to the system and sets the tone for their overall interaction.

As a product manager, creating a well-designed onboarding process can significantly impact user satisfaction, retention, and ultimately determine the success of your application.

In this blog post, we will walk through some of the basic principles of creating onboarding flows for digital healthcare applications.

Understanding Your Users

Every successful onboarding strategy starts with an in-depth understanding of your user base.

Understanding your user during onboarding is essential since the type of care they receive will heavily depend on this. It is ok to elicit critical information from your user to provide adequate care. This can include gathering their demographic information, health metrics, medication, pre-existing conditions, etc.

Vida Health

This is slightly different than regular onboarding, where the focus is to get them into the core product in as few steps as possible. In digital health products, we must gather the correct information from them to avoid any crisis related to their health.

Keep it Simple

Healthcare can be complex and confusing, and adding a digital app into the mix can be daunting.

Your users are primarily interested in addressing their healthcare needs, not navigating a complex digital interface. Therefore, the onboarding process should be simple, intuitive, and straightforward.

Introduce one concept or feature at a time to avoid overwhelming users. Remember, the goal is to familiarize users with the platform, not to showcase every feature and function.

Overwhelming the user with too many features or complex information upfront can lead to churn.

Highlight Benefits

While it’s great that your application has numerous features, onboarding should focus on the core benefit that directly adds value to the user experience.


Highlight the most impactful features and show users how they will benefit from them.

It is essential to emphasize this step as it demonstrates the worth of your app to the user. Ensure that users comprehend the app’s value proposition and how it can enhance their healthcare experience.

Use Visual Aids

Related to an earlier point above, visual elements can significantly improve understanding of complex concepts.

Developing healthcare apps can be challenging, especially when it involves complicated medical jargon.

Incorporating visual aids such as illustrations, animations, or walkthrough screens can significantly enhance the user experience. Not only does it make the app more visually appealing, but it also simplifies the complex medical terminology for users who may not have a medical background.

This can help prevent users from feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with the app, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

Overall, integrating visual aids can make the app’s interface more intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience for all who use it.

Prioritize Privacy and Security


Healthcare apps deal with sensitive personal information.

Trust is an essential component of any healthcare system, digital or not. Assure users that their sensitive health data is secure by clearly communicating the security measures in place during the onboarding process.

Make sure users understand their rights and how their data will be used.

This can also be highlighted as a benefit of your digital healthcare app and can be used to distinguish you from your competition.

Many digital healthcare apps either provide a link to their privacy policy or use the onboarding process to explain it more clearly to members in simpler terms.

Interactive Learning

Guide users to learn by doing. Active learning is far more effective than passive instruction.

Instead of loading the onboarding process with lengthy tutorials, use prompts and tooltips to guide users to take action. By taking this approach, you can help users feel confident and empowered as they explore your platform or app without sacrificing their valuable time and attention.

While your focus is to keep onboarding simple, avoid adding unnecessary interactive elements.

A helpful way to adhere to this principle is to relocate some interactive elements towards the conclusion of the onboarding process after the primary registration steps. This can serve as a means to smoothly transition into user activation.

Interactive Onboarding by Lark

Account for Accessibility

Accessibility is not an afterthought; it’s a necessity.

As a product manager, make sure your onboarding flow is accessible to all by adhering to the best practices of inclusive design.

Consider color contrast for those with visual impairments, provide text alternatives for images, and ensure the app is navigable via a keyboard for those with motor disabilities are some examples of ensuring that your product ensures accessibility compliance.

If you’re catering to a global audience, it’s essential to consider the regional variations in healthcare terminology and practices. Localize your onboarding content to cater to these variations and ensure a more personalized user experience.


Finally, a personalized user experience can significantly enhance user engagement.

Don’t make the member enter the information we should already know about them or can calculate from previous interactions. Use the information gathered during onboarding to personalize the user’s subsequent interactions with the app.

This could involve tailoring content, recommendations, or notifications to address the user’s specific needs and preferences.

In addition to improving user engagement, personalization strategies can also foster trust and loyalty among users. By demonstrating that your app is committed to meeting their unique needs, users are likelier to continue using it and recommend it to others.

Consider implementing features such as personalized experience recommendations, goal-setting, or feedback based on the user’s input during onboarding.

Onboarding is a crucial phase in a user’s journey in your digital healthcare app.

A thoughtful, user-centric approach to onboarding can drive user retention and engagement.

As a product manager, your task is to strike a balance between educating the user, securing their trust, and making their onboarding journey as seamless as possible.

With these principles, you can create an onboarding flow that welcomes users and familiarizes them with the unique value your app provides in their healthcare journey.

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