The New Way To Pay For Your Coffee: 6 Must-know Payments technology

Nathan Mckinley
Product Coalition
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2022


Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

The use of mobile devices has changed the way we shop and pay for our products. People are now using their smartphones to pay and get paid, order food, book travel tickets, and even vote in elections. As a result of this, payments technology across all industries have been disrupted by the evolution of new technologies. The future is looking bright with innovations that will make payments simpler, more seamless, and more convenient than ever before.

Digital Wallets and Contactless Payments:

Digital Wallets are a great way to make payments online. This payment method is considered safe as it offers security against fraud and identity thefts. It helps people who do not have access to banks or financial institutions, too, because they can use digital wallets to send and receive money with ease. We already have many Digital Wallets available in the market and another one is coming. Yes! the biggest technology giant Apple is launching Tap to Pay on iPhone in the US.

Contactless payments are a convenient way to make purchases. They eliminate the need to carry a wallet and make it easier to split the cost of an item with friends.

Contactless payments are much like traditional bank card transactions, but they use RFID or NFC technology instead of swiping a card. When you buy something with contactless payment, your bank authorizes the purchase and sends an authorization code to the merchant’s point-of-sale terminal. The point-of-sale system sends an approval signal back to your bank, which completes the transaction. You can set up contactless payments with your mobile.

Credit Card Innovations

Credit cards have come a long way in recent years. The newest innovations include EMV, biometrics, and chip-n-pin technology. EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) is an international technology that has been introduced to the US in order to protect cardholders from credit card fraud. Biometrics is the new security feature that can be used for both identification and authentication purposes.

Payment Technology in Emerging Markets

In the developing world, payment systems become fundamental to enabling economic development. A necessary condition for a bank account and credit card is a functioning payments system that enables people to earn and spend money.

A functioning payments system does not seem controversial but it is often difficult to implement. When the state-owned monopoly provides payments services, it is inefficient and prone to corruption. Private providers of electronic payments have trouble breaking into the market because they need access to telecom networks, which are in short supply.

It is hard to establish a new payments system because of the difficulty of acquiring or constructing a network.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) Applications

P2P applications are programs that allow one user to share a file with another user, much like a torrent program. The applications are free and very easy to find. They also provide anonymity in the sharing of files, making it hard for authorities to track down whoever is uploading or downloading the file.

There are many risks associated with P2P apps. For instance, there is always a chance that the file being shared might be infected with viruses or malware. There’s also the concern for privacy, since anyone on the network can see what other users are downloading or uploading. Lastly, there is a good.

Biometric Payments

The increased use of biometric data for payments is a development that can be described as “inevitable.” In the not-too-distant future, our fingerprints, voiceprints, and even facial recognition data will be used to make our purchases.

Biometric data has the potential to become the new norm in the world of payments. It is more secure than any other data because it requires your physical body to bypass any security measures and make a purchase. Experts are predicting that biometric data will replace cards and PINs within just five years.

QR Code Payments

QR Codes have been around for a long time, but technology has finally caught up with the idea to make it a viable payment option. The process could be a game-changer in the retail world.

We are at a point where people are so distracted by their smartphones that they often have them out and ready to use before they even enter the store. This means companies can take advantage of this by giving customers the option to pay with a QR code, making it an instantaneous transaction.

Retailers will save money on processing fees, which could lead to lower prices for consumers. This could also lead


The post, “6 Must-Know Payments Technologies” was written to provide you with a brief overview of the different payment technologies available and how they will benefit your business. We hope this article was helpful! If there is anything else we can do for you, please let us know.



I’m Business Development Manager at Cerdonis Technologies LLC - Mobile App Development Company in Chicago, USA. I do have accumulated knowledge of Latest Tech.