The Power of Agreements Beyond Roles: Building a Culture of Collaboration and Organizational Efficiency

Gabriel Rocha
Product Coalition
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2023


Hey there! Have you ever found yourself pondering the intricate web that is today’s business world? If you’ve ever felt like a fish out of water trying to understand your role amidst so many demands, know that you’re not alone in this. We’ve all asked ourselves: “What exactly should I do here?” or “Am I really doing the right thing?”

Imagine a scenario where everyone had complete clarity about their responsibilities. It would be a dream, right? But, unfortunately, the reality is quite different. According to an article by McKinsey & Company, the future of work post-COVID-19 brought significant challenges in clearly defining employee roles. Surprising, isn’t it?

Now, reflect with me: how many times have you felt lost amidst so many tasks? Or did you find out you were doing something someone else was also doing? Frustrating, right? And that’s exactly what we want to discuss.

Before we delve deeper, I want you to think: do you truly understand your role in the organization? Moreover, have you ever considered that informal agreements, those made in the hallway or over coffee, might be more impactful than formal roles written in a document?

If these questions intrigue you, great! You’re in the right place. Let’s together explore the challenges of roles and responsibilities in the business world and understand how informal agreements might be the solution for more effective collaboration. And perhaps, by the end of this reading, you’ll have a clearer view of how to face the challenges of your professional journey. Shall we?

Role Dysfunction in Companies: Unraveling the Mysteries of Organizational Complexity

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting thinking: “Wasn’t John in charge of this?” or “Since when is this my responsibility?”. If the answer is yes, welcome to the club! Role dysfunction in companies is more common than we imagine, and believe me, you’re not the only one feeling this way.

Role dysfunction isn’t just a sophisticated term. It has real and tangible implications. For instance, think of the tech giant, Microsoft. A few years ago, the company faced significant challenges due to role overlap. This led to internal conflicts and project delays. However, with a focused restructuring and an approach centered on role clarity, Microsoft not only overcame these challenges but also emerged stronger than ever. Read more about Microsoft’s transformation here.

Causes of role dysfunction:

  • Operational complexity: As companies grow, tasks become more interconnected, making clear role definition challenging.
  • Technological evolution: New tools and systems can create confusion about responsibilities, especially when there’s an overlap of functions.

Consequences of role dysfunction:

  • Poor communication: Lost or misinterpreted information leads to rework and misunderstandings.
  • Lack of collaboration: Without clarity, teams struggle to work together, resulting in silos and a lack of synergy.
  • Operational inefficiencies: Overlapping responsibilities leads to duplicated efforts and resource wastage.

A practical example of role dysfunction: Imagine a marketing team working on a campaign. Ana thinks Carlos will design the banner, while Carlos believes Ana has already hired an external agency for it. The result? The campaign is launched without the banner. Sound familiar?

The Supremacy of Agreements: The Hidden Power of Human Connections

Have you ever had that “eureka” moment in an informal hallway chat or over coffee? That instance when, without any formality, you and a colleague find a solution to a problem that had been tormenting the team for weeks? That’s the power of informal agreements in action!

Informal agreements might seem insignificant at first glance, but they have the potential to transform organizations. For example, Netflix truly embraces the power of informal agreements. They are known for their culture of freedom and responsibility. Instead of strictly focusing on hierarchies and formal roles, Netflix emphasizes informal agreements and trust among team members. This approach has been fundamental to their phenomenal success in the streaming world. Source

Building Good Agreements: The Art of Dialogue and Transformative Artifacts

Have you ever stopped to think about the magic that happens when two people perfectly understand each other in a conversation? The feeling is almost palpable. In the business world, this magic is called open dialogue. And, according to Harvard Business Review, open dialogue is a powerful tool for negotiation and collaboration.

But what if I told you there’s something that can further amplify this dialogue? I’m talking about artifacts. They’re like compasses guiding us through the complexity of business negotiations. A classic example is the Run book. It’s not just a document; it’s a statement of intentions, a guide on how operations should be executed. And guess what? Harvard Business Review also highlights its importance in business management.


And so, we come to the end of our journey. Remember where we started? We talked about the intricate business world, where role clarity often gets lost amidst operational complexity and technological evolution. But throughout this article, we discovered something powerful: informal human agreements have the potential to overcome these challenges.

But what did we truly learn? These agreements, these informal human connections, have the power to shape companies’ destinies. They’re the glue that binds formal roles and brings organizational structures to life. And most importantly, we learned that by embracing and valuing these agreements, we can achieve a subtle balance between structure and flexibility.

So, what’s the central message I want you to take away? Simple: agreements always surpass roles. In a constantly changing world, where agility and adaptability are crucial, it’s the agreements that allow us to navigate with confidence and efficiency.

I hope this article provides you with valuable insights and inspires you to seek innovative solutions in your professional journey.



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