19 ways to ask your users “SO, HOW WAS OUR PRODUCT TODAY?” without asking them “SO, HOW WAS OUR PRODUCT TODAY?”

Ariel Kedem
Product Coalition
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018


A few years ago, before we had our first daughter, I bookmarked a short post named “ 25 WAYS TO ASK YOUR KIDS “SO HOW WAS SCHOOL TODAY?” WITHOUT ASKING THEM “SO HOW WAS SCHOOL TODAY?” “ and last week, while trying to get my 3.5 years old daughter to tell me more,
I understood that I’m facing the same challenge with our users.
When I ask her “how was kindergarten today?”,
all I get is “fun” or “It was OK” — nothing to work with :)
What can you expect when you ask a generic, repetitive, conventional and plain boring question? Same goes with our users.

So, here is my list of questions that can help understand if our users are happy or not with our product without really asking them directly “Are you happy?” or “How was our product today?”. Another way to understand where our opportunities to make them more happy and engaged are.

#1. What was the best (or worst) thing that happened while using our product lately?

#2. Tell me something that made you smile while using our product.

#3. If you could choose who would you share our product with, who would it be?

#4. What is the coolest thing about our product?

#5. Tell me a weird thing that happened while using our product today.

#6. How did we help you today?

#7. what’s the one BIG thing you learned while using our product today?

#8. If we could magically make one feature / thing disappear, what would you want it to be?

#9. What do you want to accomplish using our product today?

#10. Tell me something good that happened today while using our product.

#11. What your friends/colleagues are saying about our product?

#12. What specifically do you think we can do better?

#13. Where do you use our product the most? Why?

#14. When do you use our product the most? Why?

#15. What is the most annoying thing about our product? The one thing that could make you smash your mobile device / laptop to pieces :)

#16. If you got to be our CEO for a day what would you do?

#17. Is there anything in our product that needs a makeover?

#18. If you could add something to our product from any other product you are using, any product — what will you add / what would it be?

#19. Tell me about three different times you used our product lately.

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Wanna learn how to be a product manager? Email me a@arielkd.com

  • Side note: Thanks to David Balsam, some of the questions here aren’t “fact-based” and this is not the best practice. However, when trying to understand the customer/user experience in terms of “Happiness” — we should rely on opinions/feelings and not proper facts/data/numbers.

