How to kill (and improve) your product for the benefit of humanity

What would you do if you find that your product is receiving a lot of searches related to vaccines? And well, your site doesn’t have helpful content?

Here is what Pinterest CEO, Ben Silbermann did.

“And we made the decision then, that as a starting point, we would just not serve up content because we couldn’t ensure that we were giving people great information,” Silbermann said.

Over the past six months, Pinterest has permitted verified sources like the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to post results exclusively.
They took a similar approach to users searching for terms associated with clinical depression and anxiety. Under the guidance of clinical psychologists, Pinterest designed a product called “Compassionate Search.” The goal is to serve results that will aid rather than harm users, all based on expert advice from medical professionals. Silbermann said this means results should normalize emotions but not the behavior of self-harm.

For sure, Facebook/Insta/WhatsApp/Twitter or any other social media platform won’t even come closer to taking an approach like this.

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