How to Find Your Edge and Put Yourself Out of Competition?

Product Coalition
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2019


Edge is a commonly used term in the financial zeitgeist, be it public equity, private equity or alternative asset management. But unlike most other terms used in the world of finance, this word means the same in Finance context as it means in English.

Edge is that extra advantage you have over your competitor. Something you have that your opponent or other players in the game you are playing do not have.

Whether or not the word Edge is used, everyone is looking for it.

If you are trying to get a promotion, or trying to win 100-meter race, or trying to get better returns on your fund, you are looking for that Edge, you are trying to differentiate yourself from the competition, you are trying to improve that edge.

Maybe in a passive way but nonetheless you are.

To grow your Edge you need to first identify it. To identify it, you need to reflect.

Reflect on what your strengths are, what your interests are & then use your habits to compound the returns from them.

Where to look for your Edge?

Edge comes from the things that you can do without external motivation, the things that others consider as work but you don’t.

True edge lives in the areas you are truly interested and the interest is so strong that all your cognitive abilities come to the forefront and perform at their maximum capacity for maximum time.

If you are able to identify this edge, this interest, the logical step is to manufacture and discover strengths which as habits will compound the effect.

The edge will eliminate the competition. It will create value out of pure engagement.

It will not be an easy process to find it, but it will be worth it.

Find your edge!

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