5 Ways to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate

Chandni Akhani
Product Coalition
Published in
5 min readSep 26, 2019


Websites have become more important than ever for businesses to attract end-users with their services and products. If a website is out of date, not compatible with the latest browsers or devices, it risks losing credibility in this digital environment. In short, if it fails to interact with its target audience, then scaling the position online gets increasingly difficult.

The technological shifts are happening so fast that the brands have to play catch up with this progress. Whether it’s the latest IoT ecosystem, cutting edge resolutions, AR & VR or the latest smartphones, no single reason can be attached to websites to remain the way they are. To boost conversion rates and to increase sales, the need to revamp and involved with the latest trends, features, and functionalities has never been so critical before.

With curated website development services, web designers are bringing forward innovative solutions and designs to foster growth and success in the marketplace. Minimalistic, responsive and fluid designs are some of the examples of the type of websites that have gained popularity over the years.

#1 Content and Marketing

The marketing strategy should be prioritized if you are beginning a new website owner. Email marketing still works like a charm in the process of acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones. By using the proper set of keywords you won’t only be consistent in branding but will also gain better conversion rates throughout your devised content. Keywords are combinations of qualified phrases that can be tweaked to one’s brand identity. They become an integral part of one’s website content such as writeups, blogs, infographics, etc. Keywords with quality content can help drive conversion rates like no other, though a little slow to catch up when it comes to paid marketing strategies. Staying updated on the industry trends and hiring an influential content writer can help you build a positive image in the marketplace.

#2 A/B testing

Websites have to be built with a user-centric approach. Many websites fail because when they don’t take into account the end-user’s needs and motivations. It is necessary to go through a creative process to achieve a degree of innovation that your website visitors will appreciate. In no more than 3 clicks the visitor should get what they wanted on the website for them to visit it again. A website that is user-centric is desirable, viable and feasible for the visitors who are more likely to recommend the website to their friends and family.

Usability sessions and A/B testing should be prioritized during the testing phase so that the website is scrutinized in every possible way. A/B testing is a type of testing that is controlled. Two or more versions of the website are compared and evaluated. The user’s interaction level with each page gets evaluated and measured and the version which passes certain criteria gets finalized. For healthier conversions, predefined requirements are reviewed by potential users in the development cycle.

#3 CTA’s and Landing Pages

A conversion is a step that increases user engagement and is primarily achieved through CTA’s (calls-to-actions) and landing pages. CTA’s are extensively used in advertising and selling and refers to the step the visitor is most likely to take while navigating the website. When visitors click on the link on any website, they end up on a landing page where a submission form pops up that is designed to turn the visitors into a lead or a customer. Across business verticals, the average landing page conversion rate is about 2.4% — 3.4%. The top 30% convert at 4% or higher. A high conversion rate is indicative of successful marketing and web design. Therefore, creating strong CTA’s and landing pages should be prioritized by the website owner. Conversion rates say everything about whether this strategy was implemented or not.

#4 Backlinks

Quality backlinks do lead to higher rankings on a search engine like google. The more the links your website has, the better the chances for you to crawl up higher in the results page. It’s been proven that quality backlinks are one of the most important factors to determine the rankings of the page. Stay away from paid links, low-quality backlinks, backlinks with duplicate content, low-quality guest posting and comment spams. Google is quick to penalize those who are found guilty practicing these methods and make sure to not create no more than 4–8 backlinks a day. 100–150 is the threshold that you need to stay clear from if you’d like Google not to mess up with your hard work.

#5 Quick Tips

Some of the effective and handful of tips to help you rack up the search engine. Thanks to Google’s algorithm, there is no room for foul play here and everybody gets an equal opportunity to boost their presence online.

  • Make sure to update the best-performing assets regularly.
  • Peek into your competitor’s website, do a little homework and then evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and finally make changes if any.
  • Optimize your website for the mobile experience. The majority of the consumer base is quickly going mobile and you don’t want to lag behind.
  • Integrate social media links, blog posts, videos, infographics on your homepage layout. The homepage has to be interactive and intuitive that will be responsible to drive user engagement and conversion rates.


The right website experience is always about the right interaction between the end-user & your business. Credibility goes out of the window if it isn’t compatible with the latest devices, is outdated or doesn’t match the services it promises. Your website has to reflect the brand image for what it stands for. Updating your company’s mission, values and mission with the latest services and products will not only help drive conversion rates but will also help you build long-lasting relationships with your end-users. Take into account technological shifts, business goals, marketing strategies, and competitive landscape to create a powerful website that is credible, scalable and efficient to convert target audiences into long-lasting customers.

If you are looking forward to having a website of your own or want to revamp your existing one then you should opt for a web development company that takes care of your requirements from ideation to release to support.

