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I think we all know that scaling a product is simple. You create a roadmap of features and characteristics based on customer surveys, you get buy-in from the team who then develops them, brings them to market, and then you get feedback from customers to repeat the process while a well-coordinated marketing campaign blows up your exposure.

I feel like I had one other thing to add to that but I’m forgetting…oh yeah, the part where your Lead Dev quits, the intern deletes all of your customer data, the updates are all running behind schedule, your budget is getting cut, someone just invented AI, and—oh, would you look at that, leadership just decided to scrap the update and head in a completely different direction.

The Reality Of Product Management

This is a complicated role in a complicated industry in a complicated time. Everyone expects rapid product delivery despite an expanding mountain of technical debt. Where we’re given all of the responsibility and none of the authority. We end up spending half our time prioritizing and then the other half re-prioritizing. And all the while, we stare down imposter syndrome, asking ourselves if we’re even fit for our role (spoiler alert, you got this).

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The Solutions

We understand the unique struggles that come with growing and enhancing validated SaaS products. And so we’re building solutions to the struggles above. We’re gathering a small universe of people like you—supportive, practicing Product Managers with a sense of humor and a drive to help others succeed. This community is specifically designed to help PMs conquer the biggest hurdles and accelerate sustainable growth for your product.

As a member of the community, you’ll be able to:

  • Build your network: Connect with peers & industry experts who understand the nuances of scaling SaaS products.
  • Get insights from Product Experts: Ask experienced PMs for advice on making an impact or getting your leadership team aligned.
  • Access peer support: Join a mastermind group to share knowledge, workshop solutions, and overcome the challenges we face in a startup.
  • Laugh at the absurdities of our role: Sometimes, that’s all we can do.

Why Are We Starting a Community?

Our vision is simple: we are here for those in the liminal space between seed and maturity. We want to give you a voice, be your support system, and create a space for sharing knowledge and skills as you navigate the stages that follow product-market fit.

Whether you need assistance with strategic scaling, securing Series B funding, or extending your market reach beyond your competition, we have the people, the resources and the expertise to help you succeed.

What Kind Of People Are Joining?

This group, at its core, consists of the product folks who not only define what product management is, but what it is becoming. They are the ones on the bleeding edge of innovation in this space. Product Coaches for Fortune 500 companies. Consultants that have perfected their craft for decades in the industry, and now bring their experience and teaching to the top companies to help deliver better products. Oh, and you!

So, How Do I Join?

You can sign up for early access to the community and share space on the ground floor with our team of Product Experts, who are currently shaping the programming and direction of Membership as we prepare for our formal launch.

All you need to do is head over to the signup page and fill out your info to secure your spot. You can also access a few other perks for early members only. We will follow up with some more details about our plans and keep you up to date as we get closer and closer to launch.

We’re excited to be able to provide a space for you to feel more confident and connected in your job. Looking forward to meeting you!

Michael Mordak
By Michael Mordak

Michael loves people. As Community Producer for The Product Manager, he engages and supports our member community. His background in Digital Media, Product Management and 5 over years of Client Success have continued to grow his desire to bring the wants and needs of our member community, and our broader audience, to life in a way that unlocks more value to them.