Understanding the Metaverse Experience: Explained in Seven Layers

A breakdown of what a metaverse is, and the seven conceptual segments that make up a metaverse design

Product Coalition


The technological progress from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 paves the way to develop unique Metaverse projects. The fundamental elements of Web 3.0, like decentralization, can seamlessly enhance usability, communication, and interoperability in a metaverse.

As many metaverse projects are being introduced recently and many more are yet to come, it is acquiring prominence as a profit-yielding opportunity among investors, and thus it is significant to understand the inherent layers of the architecture of this futuristic project. According to Jon Radoff, a business owner, game creator and a popular writer who writes substantially on metaverse-related topics, the metaverse consists of seven layers representing the metaverse’s market value chain.

This article will explain all the layers that comprise a metaverse after a brief explanation of the metaverse.

What is Metaverse?

A metaverse is a 3D virtual universe enhancing the digital mode of social interaction by incorporating Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Internet of Things (IoT), gaming, blockchain as well as the principles of social media and commerce to provide engaging user experiences. It bridges the gap between the real world and the virtual world. Digital currencies and NFTs power the metaverse, and it is, thus, a self-sustaining virtual world. Many associate metaverses and web 3.0 related technologies like blockchain, DeFi, decentralized computation, NFTs etc., as the next era of the modern internet.

Now that we have a glimpse of what metaverse is, let us dive into the seven layers of the metaverse.

Seven layers of the metaverse

1. Experience

Metaverse will be a true portrayal of spatial dimensions and distances and the dematerialization of physical objects given life by photorealistic graphic elements. With the metaverse dematerializing physical space, the barriers that physicality imposes on it are eliminated. Usage of computer technologies like VR can give users an immersive experience.

It’s all about the experiences in the metaverse, which is why some famous brands have started collaborating with metaverse platforms like Roblox and Decentraland to provide immense engaging and interactive platforms. Because of the life-like experiences, Metaverse is positioned to give, it has generated a lot of hype and attracted a lot of investment.

2. Discovery

The second layer of metaverse discusses the “push and pulls” of information that results in experiencing discoveries. While “pull” refers to an inbound system in which users actively seek out information and experiences, “push” refers to processes that notify users about the metaverse experiences that await them. Inbound and outbound discoveries can happen in the following ways:


  • Search engines
  • Real-time presence
  • Community-driven content


  • Display advertising
  • Notifications
  • Emails and social media

3. Creator Economy

Content creators will be crucial in shaping this new universe. They’ve had a lot of success on social media platforms and will continue to be a big growth engine in the metaverse’s virtual reality. Experts predict that the creator economy will become a multibillion-dollar industry thanks to the metaverse. Independent creatives who create digital content such as photos, videos and digital goods such as e-books, webinars, and other digital items will constitute the creator economy.

It’s only inevitable that as the metaverse develops, this group of producers will strive to profit from it. They will construct their metaverse areas where their fans may connect with them, hang out, and interact. Creators will be able to smoothly relocate their followers to the metaverse thanks to technological advancements.

Creators will be able to monetize the metaverse in the following ways:

  • Display and sell NFTs and NFT collections, IRLs and other commercial goods.
  • Collaboration with brands and their promotion
  • Making their avatars wear virtual fashion clothing and accessories like trainers or garments to influence purchasing behavior.
  • To deepen relationships and increase revenue, they host parties and get-togethers for their following.

4. Spatial Computing

The concept of a parallel, three-dimensional, digital world that interacts with the real world and never shuts down can be realized with spatial computing. For example, you can play a game employing spatial computing against the backdrop of your immediate real-world surroundings. The characters in the game will not only detect but interact with the physical things in your environment, such as taking a nap on your bed. In essence, spatial computing simultaneously enables real-time interaction with virtual and physical worlds.

Spatial computing allows you to work, shop and interact as avatars in a three-dimensional virtual universe closely resembling reality.

5. Decentralization

If any central authority controls the data, it would be difficult for regular users to verify who has access to the data and under what conditions, resulting in security vulnerabilities, which would agitate users.
Blockchain technology is a game-changing approach to overcoming privacy and data security concerns a centralized metaverse may face. Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a method of making financial goods accessible over a decentralized blockchain network. Without going via banks or brokerages, anyone can utilize DeFi wallets like Metamask and True Wallet.

Likewise, many blockchain-based applications, also known as dApps, are being developed and used across industries, using the blockchain’s inherent security and decentralization.

Blockchain technology is already being used by several decentralized metaverse initiatives to deliver user-owned experiences resistant to censorship and assure interoperability.

6. Human Interface

The human interface layer is about the hardware that allows users to experience the life-like world of the metaverse.

The increased intimacy of humans and technology is necessary for an engaging, life-like metaverse experience. Although the metaverse is not fully developed yet, and experiments are still going on to develop user-convenient metaverse projects, thanks to advanced spatial computing and the correct interface, we will soon experience the metaverse in the same way we perceive the real world.

7. Infrastructure

This layer is concerned with the technological infrastructure needed to build a fully functional and interoperable metaverse.

Five technology clusters power the metaverse.

  • First, computing and networking power — spatial positioning algorithms, edge computing, GPU servers, real-time network transmission, virtual scene fitting, etc.
  • Artificial Intelligence comes next.
  • Third is video game technology — 3D game engines such as Unreal Engine and Unity are used to create animations, sounds, and pictures.
  • Fourth, display technologies — AR, VR, MR, and XR, not only for an immersive audiovisual experience but also to adapt to consumers’ changing tastes and preferences over time.
  • Blockchain technology is ranked fifth on the list. Thanks to decentralized value transfer methods, settlement platforms, and smart contracts, it will ensure value ownership and circulation. Decentralization will result in a transparent, efficient, and stable economic system.

The metaverse is built on powerful computers, integrated circuits, network equipment, communication components, advanced display systems, precision freedom optical systems, mixed reality equipment, and sophisticated, high-resolution cameras in terms of hard technology.


Although metaverse is emerging as a mainstream project with many tech companies like Microsoft and Facebook investing in customized metaverse projects, it is still in its infancy. It is still unknown what possibilities and opportunities it may create. But, it is sure to become a booming, revenue-generating industry over the coming days. Being in the earliest stages, the understanding in-depth metaverse is challenging. However, breaking the metaverse into seven layers is a great method to understand the project more.



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