Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” Principles: How Product Managers Can Apply Them

Keren Koshman
Product Coalition
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2023


The principles outlined in Sun Tzu’s timeless classic, “The Art of War,” hold important lessons for professionals seeking to succeed in their careers. I read this book many years ago and found its teaching valuable. In this article, I will share my younger self’s principles learned from this book, doing so from my seasoned product leader perspective.

1. Know Yourself and Your Competitors:
Just as Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself and the enemy, young professionals should develop a deep understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. This self-awareness will allow you to identify areas for improvement and capitalize on your unique talents. While sounding trivial, it is hard to achieve awareness. First, don’t mistake awareness for planning — I am not one to advocate for detailed plans for our lives and our careers. What I support is different — trying to actively understand yourself (by asking and contemplating hard questions over the years).
Equally important (but first requires learning yourself) is understanding your competitors — your colleagues, industry trends, and market forces. By analyzing the landscape, you can make informed decisions and devise effective strategies for success. This task is, again, trivial as a piece of advice but hard to achieve; I would recommend a lot of reading on these topics as a starting point.

2. Preparation and Planning:
Sun Tzu emphasizes the significance of preparation before engaging in any battle. Similarly, meticulous planning is crucial for young professionals. I differ in my opinions here; while Sun Tzu advocates Defining your long-term goals and breaking them down into smaller, actionable steps, I think that while it’s essential to have a purpose and vision, there are many ways to get there and a detailed plan might create blind spots that can lead to lost opportunities. Either way, Craft a roadmap outlining the skills, experiences, and connections you need and want to acquire. You will be better equipped to seize opportunities by proactively preparing and planning.

3. Continuous Learning:
“The Art of War” emphasizes the value of intelligence and information gathering. I can’t stress enough the importance of a growth mindset, especially for product management. For the first step, read Carol Dwak’s “Growth Mindset” and continue your journey from there. A good day for me was when I learned something new; happily enough, each mistake is a learning opportunity, so each day has many learning opportunities. Alongside that, read — my best tip for reading is to read books that have proven their value over time.

4. Adaptability and Flexibility:
Adaptability is a critical theme in “The Art of War,” highlighting the importance of adjusting strategies based on evolving circumstances. As a young professional, embrace change and remain flexible. We are living in the revolution of AI times, and flexibility will be essential for your ability to stay ahead of the curve. What does it mean? If you need to learn, educate yourself about it.

5. Building Strong Alliances:
Sun Tzu emphasizes the significance of building alliances and nurturing relationships. Cultivate meaningful connections with mentors, colleagues, and industry influencers in your professional journey. Seek mentors who can guide you, provide advice, and open doors to new opportunities. Better yet, help and mentor others in whatever way you can. Collaborate with your peers, share knowledge, and build a solid professional network. These alliances will support your growth, provide valuable insights, and enhance your career prospects. As a female in tech, I find it challenging and work actively to create my network.

Incorporating the principles from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” can help you navigate the complexities of the business world and thrive in your career. But the truth is that there are no guarantees, and you also need a bit of luck to succeed. Either way, keep humble during your professional journey and keep having fun while learning.



Product manager, mother of three, creating magic. I believe that product is a way of life. Reach out at: