What are few things a Product Manager should do at a new firm?

Every business is a mathematical function. Master the variables and you are golden.

Eg: A super simplified example

Rate of growth of revenue for Netflix = (rate of growth of new users – rate of churn) x pricing

It’s your standard mathematical form of f(g(x)), really.

So I strongly recommend understanding the levers of growth of the company you have joined. Then look at things from this lens. Things like vision, customers, features etc.

Another thing I recommend is to understand the reason why every job role exists in the company. Why is there an account management team? Why is there a digital marketing manager? What are their KRAs? This will give you a crash course on what matters for the company and why.

This isn’t an exhaustive list. So I have tried to cover some not so usual models that I like!

[Perspective By Shashank Mehta, Director of Product Strategy @Razorpay,during an AMA at NextBigWhat community]

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