Periscope: Twitter’s Maximum Viable Product

Karan Peri
1 min readApr 5, 2015

Sometimes we get handed a divine opportunity that should be grasped and juiced as if there was no tomorrow. Such ideas check two very imp. requirements off the list: They show serious promise and they satisfy a product gut check.

When Meerkat as an idea showed promise, Twitter didn’t give a quarterly task to its PMs and designers to go figure out a minimum viable product that can help them release something fast and prove the market. They went out, bought periscope, integrated it and released it fast anyway, all in 2 weeks.

This can be called Twitter’s Maximum Viable Product.

By no means is Twitter done. It has to measure, iterate and create a business model around Periscope like all us mortals. However, Periscope is a full blown product warping at scale and it shows that the right intention changes all definitions and best practices of go-to-market.



Karan Peri

Product at Coinbase. Worked at Amazon, Flipkart, Microsoft