events product management

Focused on Value & an Audacious Spacious!

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Nominate a great product manager you know today @ !
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Thank you to everyone who made it to our latest roundtable meet-up of The Product Group at Digital Ocean, as well as to our other sponsors, Yext, BKLYN and many more.


Over the course of the night a few of the highlights were…

Featured Product: Spacious
exploring the product, its challenges and successes, from the human layer to living in analytics

Staying Focused on User Value
from Delightment to Resolving Pain



The Product Group
meet-ups are an opportunity for Product People (managers, strategists, marketers, etc.) to come together to meet, interact, and network in a roundtable setting. It’s awesome to meet fellow Product People in a laid-back, conversational gathering.

If you are a Product Person and are interested in having your product featured or participating as a featured guest expert at an upcoming meetup of The Product Group, contact me (or email at jhorn (a-t.) tpgblog DoT com).

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our next meetup

Thursday, June 1st @ 7PM
RSVP Now!  

Stay tuned for more announcements about June’s Featured Product, Hackerati.


Please submit your nominations for 2017’s great product management candidates @ !

Learn more @

tpj-logo-w_lkwAnd, don’t forget to check out our new job board exclusively dedicated to Product jobs!Visit and happy hunting!
TPM-Short3-Logo4If you are interested in being a Product Mentor or seeking Product Management Mentorship…

Visit and
Sign-up today!


Jeremy Horn
The Product Guy

P.S. Interested in becoming a sponsor or host of The Product Group? contact me.