How to Make Your Ecommerce Store More Competitive

Nathan Mckinley
Product Coalition
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2020


Having an ecommerce store is a great way to make your products accessible to a broad market, whether locally or globally. In fact, retail sales via the web are expected to continue growing exponentially in the next few years. As a result, many entrepreneurs are starting online stores.

Unfortunately, creating a successful ecommerce store isn’t as easy as offering your product online. You need to be competitive, visible, and deliver value to potential customers. Here are a few ways you can make your ecommerce store more competitive.



If you don’t invest the time in marketing your store and products, you’ll probably disappear amongst your competition. You need to get your product somewhere, where people will see and want to buy it.

There are a few popular types of marketing you can use for your eCommerce store. Social Media is usually the most popular and most affordable choice if you don’t use paid advertising. You can also use SEO to improve your store’s placement in search results.

Other marketing methods include banner ads, affiliate programs, and paid advertising. Remember, customers can’t use your products if they don’t see them.

Product and Niche

Don’t try to be everything to everyone — you won’t be able to compete on such a broad market, especially if you’re just starting. Instead, focus on a niche product or service. There’s nothing wrong with concentrating on novelty mugs, custom hoodies, or vegan-only hair products.

Focusing on a specific market comes with other benefits, such as charging better prices.


Having competitive prices doesn’t necessarily mean having the lowest prices. Customers are willing to pay for the experience, quality, and superior product overall. If you’re selling your products for the bare minimum to have the lowest price in the market, you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

Ask yourself this: How willing would you be to go the extra mile for someone who pays you peanuts? Rather than trying to be the cheapest, make your product and services worth a reasonable price.

Customer Service


Excellent customer service can make your brand stand out, while poor service may break your ecommerce business. You want to give your clients the best experience and quality service from the moment they arrive on your site until after they’ve received their package.

There are a few different ways you can create a positive — and lasting — impression. For example, don’t take too long to respond to a customer’s questions. Be responsive and engaging and try to solve their problems.

Try to make the experience as rewarding as possible for your client, and don’t forget to ask for a review!



All the other points we mentioned tie into branding. Your customer service, price, product and quality, and marketing will all impact how clients perceive your brand. It needs to inspire trust and loyalty for clients, especially if you want them to come back.

There are other ways to leave an impression, as well. One of the main ways to use branding design to your advantage is to create something unique and memorable. Using color creatively, for example, can make a simple box package create a lasting impression.

Package designers, like Deepking, stress how vital it is to create custom packaging for your product and brand. Try to go for something that represents your style and story.


Subscription packages are becoming extremely popular. Many videos are available online from influencers who do unboxings, showing off their latest ‘find’. It’s also a great way to generate a semi-passive income.

Take Away

Being competitive isn’t always easy, especially if your ecommerce store is still new. However, you can do certain things to make your store more appealing to clients. First, remember to market to your potential customers in your niche. Keep in mind that they’ll be willing to pay more for a great experience and exceptional service.

Finally, create a brand that will leave a lasting impression and keep clients coming back for more. If you do these things, you can make, and keep, your ecommerce store at the forefront of your competition.



I’m Business Development Manager at Cerdonis Technologies LLC - Mobile App Development Company in Chicago, USA. I do have accumulated knowledge of Latest Tech.