Three new speakers for BoS USA 2022

Just a gentle reminder that ticket prices rise on 29 July 2022 and hotel rooms are filling up fast – I guess that a lot of you are as excited as us about the prospect of getting together in-person with other smart folk again. 

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Latest Speakers

April Dunford, How to Tell a Story that Sells
40-60% of sales engagements result in no decision because buyers cannot work out what the alternative is. In this brand new talk, April will share a framework you can use to build a story that focuses on WHY you built what you built in a way that is differentiating, compelling, and most importantly, gets you business.

April Dunford

April Dunford
How to Tell a Story that Sells

Dharmesh Shah, Mistakes Made & Lessons Learned Building HubSpot. 
Three sets of lessons Dharmesh learned founding & building Hubspot to IPO & beyond.

  • What did he think he knew when he started that turned out to be wrong?
  • What did he think he knew that turned out to be more important than he foresaw?
  • What were the biggest surprises that changed the way he approaches business?

Dharmesh Shah
Mistakes Made & Lessons Learned Building HubSpot

Chris Savage, Company Life After Investors
In 2017, Wistia raised $17.3 million dollars in debt to buy out investors and refocus on growing profitably and sustainably for the long term.

He will share how his thinking on company strategy, growth, product and people have been turned upside down in a compelling, honest and open discussion about how things changed.

Chris Savage
Company Life After Investors

Price Rise

General Admission ticket prices will rise to $1695 at Midnight PT 29 July 2022

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