Here’s what you need to hear today!

Aishwarya Ramanathan
Product Coalition
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2020


Spread all the good cheer! It’s all you need and what you need to do :)

Why did I choose this topic now? Well, I guess the world needs it more than ever! A pandemic, protests, climate change, wars between countries, and oh my God. The more I think of it, the more I feel that a happy post will do some help in spreading the good vibe!

I have always seen myself talk about good vibes! No matter what I just smile and say Good Vibes only when I hear someone criticize. Sometimes I feel like a crazy person to do that when hells’ breaking lose. But trust me, it has eased me out — from panicking 100%, it has helped me reduce it to at least 80–90%. You might be thinking “Ah, just 10%? I don’t see any big difference”. But that 10–20% helps EXPONENTIALLY when you are at the peak of your stress levels! I’ve even got the tag “Good Vibes” where people at my workplace call me that because I have a cardboard box right in front of me which says the same! 😃

This is what you should try the next time someone says something at you or you find yourself low :

Say “Good Vibes Only!”. Give yourself a smile. And 👌 — do this!

You might feel crazy at the first few times to do this when you are infuriated at someone or something. But the amount of change you can see and the way your mood lightens up is definitely worth trying!

There was this crazy friend I had (okay, I still have 😝). And he had a tagline for himself. As time went by, I felt it something that he genuinely believed in. And somehow it always kept him happy. 4 years of college life, I always saw him with the happy cheer. Times when you’d feel low, he’ll jump in and he’d say his line and give a wide smile. You might feel completely irritated when you see that beaming charm, but that lasts for seconds. And eventually, you end up smiling! And there you go, you’ll be back to normal in a while! Too much hype for the taglines? Here’s what they vibed with :

Life is always beautiful

While it was something that irritated or was ridiculed often, as we heard it more, it actually helped! Low days were energized and happy days got a happier vibe. Having those tags constantly being chanted into has helped all of us around and sometimes even kept us sane!

What have I learned?

Try doing your bit when you see someone low! Start with a smile, quote something you believe and something that makes you happy. The effort you put will be a tiny drop, but the impact you see will be a wave!

I am no speaker or saint to give motivational speeches and stuff, but there are a couple of things I preach and I try to do when I feel low or not at the usual hyperactive behavior. My start to it as always by smiling! The amount of energy you get when you smile is all you need to push away the dark clouds that pull you down. Not just for you, but when you smile, you light up the room as well 😄 So, just smile! It’s free of cost. Don’t trust me? Try it for yourself!

No day in life is worth not being unhappy. Of course, every moment is not going to be perfect in life, it is all about how you take it. It is not going to be an easy ride, but let’s focus on the good things that come out! No cloud is dark enough that the light can’t shine through! And if you are patient enough, you will even see the light come through in its own dimension. Let me ask you a question to ponder upon: Have you ever tried thinking about a situation you have faced that initially was something that you didn’t want, but later you saw something good from it and felt happy about it happening in its own way? If you haven’t done that, give it a shot! I have started incorporating that, and it has helped me to accept things as is and still be happy! 😄

Lockdown has definitely been a crazy ride for all of us — not going to deny that even a bit, but it has taught me to see and find happiness in the smallest of things! It started getting so tiny, that even a new face wash was exciting to try 😅 Small things have been watching the sunset from my terrace! Having a hot cup of coffee to sip on while I watch my TV shows, snuggling under the blanket and getting that extra hour of sleep, painting sceneries, and now includes writing and pondering upon random thoughts! Taking time for yourself is what matters now. All the stress is going to get to you, how are you going to dodge it like a pro? The easiest hack is to give yourself some time to reflect upon it.

In the end, life is all about the choices you make. The choice to be happy, cheerful, and filling spaces with all the good energy. And it starts with you! Life is simple, life is direct, life is reactive. What you do today will have its impact sooner or later. But what you do is going to be reflective and to see it, you have to believe and trust the process.

Think Good. Be Good. Because it’s all going to be good! 😃



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