5 Things to Learn About User Retention From… your MOM!

Ariel Kedem
Product Coalition
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2018


Yes, your mom is probably the most talented person around you when talking about retention, customer relations, engagement and some other buzzwords that target the same outcome — How to make your users come back again, and again, and again! And do it with a smile on their face and love in their heart!

Just a small personal note before starting: Mom, I love you!

So, here are the top 5 moms-tricks:

  1. “Hi son, I haven’t heard from you for 2.5 days. Are you alive? Don’t you miss me?”
    That’s the basic. Make your users feel guilty for not using your product, but at the same time — make sure they’ll know that you care about them, that you still remember their needs. Show them some love. “Are you alive?” in “Moms” language is “I love you” ;-)
  2. “Hi dear! I know that you love my Schnitzel for lunch. Do you want me to make this creamy pasta from last week as a side dish?”
    Plan ahead, create meaningful messages when re-engaging your users.
    Know what they care about, their preferences, offer them something to show them that this is not just another bulk message, this is personal. You are your mom’s only son, even if you have 3 sisters ;-)
  3. “Your sister is calling me at least once a day. Any reason why you’re only calling a per week? Is it Something I did?”
    Social proof, or as your mom calls it — Sister’s proof.
    The idea here is, of course, showing your users that you have a lot of other users who use your product. They are smart, might have some things in common with you, and if they’re using the product — you should use it too.
    And if this one didn’t help, you can ask for feedback or ideas for improvements. Yes, “Something I did” equals “I’m never wrong, but I want to make you feel that you can help me improve myself.”
  4. “Son, I only want the best for you, so why don’t you eat everything from your plate and you’ll get a candy later?”
    This is the oldest trick in the book. Offer your users something they can’t say no to. Yes, give them a candy, but only after they’ll complete something meaningful for you.
    Explain that you’re doing this because they’re different from other users, they’re unique and deserve this candy.
    Promotions, discounts, 1 month for free — you name it. Give them candy, it’s like drugs for children ;-)
  5. “Mom knows best. Period.”
    When all the other tricks don’t work, this is the absolute truth.
    Why should you keep using my product? Because I know best. I’m the best product around, I have TONS of customers, DOZENS of press articles, YEARS of experience, and of course — you can always trust mom… ah, me! :)

What are your mom’s tricks? Share your thoughts with me :)
And of course, your best friend from kindergarten just CLAPPED this post an hour ago and he’s now a very famous entrepreneur, eating Herring with Elon Musk!
So — If you happy (and you know it!!) clap this post :)

