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Assemble a Freelancer Dream Team To Grow Your Business

Assemble a Freelancer Dream Team To Grow Your Business

Assemble a Freelancer Dream Team To Grow Your Business

Hiring a freelance dream team can be challenging and time-consuming if you don’t know where to start. What makes a freelancer reliable? How can you build trust with them? And what are the best practices for managing your team effectively?

Building a Global Team

One benefit of working with freelancers is that they’re located all over the world. You can find remote workers from almost any country by using Upwork, Freelancer, or Guru. Online job boards like these have reviews that can help you determine work quality. You can also search social media platforms, including LinkedIn and Facebook, to see if any of your connections can recommend freelancers.

Building Trust With Freelancers

Trust is key when building a team. You’ll need to give them the freedom to work on tasks without too much oversight. However, you also need to check in on them regularly to ensure deadlines are being met and quality is up to par.

One way to build trust from the start is through forming an LLC. This simple step can help you build trust with potential remote workers. It shows that you’re serious about your business and willing to take the necessary steps to protect both yourself and the freelancer. You can contact an LLC-forming company like LegalZoom to set up your business and get consultations on LLC laws in your state.

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Best Practices for Managing a Remote Team

There are a few best practices for managing your remote team effectively:

  • Give your freelancers the freedom to complete tasks at their own pace, but remember that you may need to check in regularly to ensure they’re on schedule.
  • Create a communication plan, and make sure all team members are on the same page.
  • Use a reliable payment system that works in their country and in yours. 

When choosing a payment method, you’ll need to consider a few things. For example, if your freelancers are in the Philippines and you’re based out of New York, you’ll likely want to use a service like PayPal or Remitly instead of wire transfers. With Remitly, you can transfer money for as little as $3.99. This saves your freelance team money on international transfer fees, and it’s easy for you as a business owner.

Choose Tools That Work for You

There are a number of tools and services that can help you manage your remote team effectively. These include document sharing tools and project management tools.

  • Project management tools – Trello and Asana are both great project management tools for managing tasks with your freelancers. They both offer free plans and integrate with many business tools.
  • Document sharing tools – Dropbox is great for document sharing. It offers free plans, and it can be used to share files with your freelancers, as well as other business tools such as Slack and Google Drive.
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If you convert PDFs to Word documents in your business, Adobe Acrobat’s free online converter can be a lifesaver. This tool lets you convert PDFs to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents online without the need for software downloads.

Managing Your Team Effectively

Assembling your dream team of freelancers takes time but can be rewarding. It’s key to remember that freelance contractors are human. So, treat them with respect, and you’ll be rewarded with quality work.

Courtney Rosenfeld

Courtney Rosenfeld, author, creator of Gig Spark shares some tips on using outsourcing. Especially relevant in this tight labor market, it might make sense for some of your work to be done by a non-employee.

1 Comment

  1. […] Recruiting talented workers into your team is the first step, but it’s also the largest hurdle in your product management workflow. With any luck, you can tap into your extended network of professional contacts to find trusted freelancers that are perfect for your project. […]

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