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10 Best Marketing Strategies to Improve Business Growth

10 Best Marketing Strategies to Improve Business Growth

10 Best Marketing Strategies to Improve Business Growth

Once you are done with your business idea and marketing, you have to find the precise digital marketing strategy to draw potential customers and convert them. A compelling marketing strategy should include your business values, value proposition, and important demographics, among other crucial elements. It should also leverage both online and offline strategies. Below are ten marketing strategies to encourage your business’s growth in 2021.

10 Best marketing Strategies

1. Google My Business

GMB is a platform by Google where users can search businesses through Google Search and Maps. This is a free platform and should be a part of your marketing strategy as it encourages you to manage your profile beyond the Google platform. With this profile, your company can leverage Google Business Listing and post important information such as your physical location, operating hours, and contacts, that further leads to brand awareness.

Likewise social media platforms, you can further share business photos and videos. The platform also possesses Insights that you can utilize to understand how people see your business online and where they come from. You can also add attributes such as a URL to your website, Wi-Fi availability, or wheelchair access to your business.

2. Blogging

Generating informative content for your leads and clients is an indispensable part of marketing. Blogging is a necessary part of any content marketing strategy, with research proving that marketers who use blogs get 67% more leads than those who do not. More importantly, marketers that put out relevant content are 13x more likely to get positive ROI.

A business blog enables you to add your personality to the material you roll out. Blogs also make part of other digital marketing tactics because they produce content that points back to your site. As you create backlinks to your blog, you improve the traffic to your website.

3. Video marketing

10 Best Marketing Strategies to Improve Business Growth - Video marketing

Video is a quick and effective way to share content with your audience. It tells your clients exactly what your product can offer for their business. Analysis by the Aberdeen Group reveals that companies that utilize video for their marketing strategy experience a yearly 49% growth in revenue than those without video. The outcomes are for both B2C and B2B marketing strategies.

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As video turns into an essential part of content marketing strategy, your business should also take advantage. Apart from YouTube, platforms such as Drift video now provide B2B video marketing strategies by simultaneously supporting video and chats.

4. Search engine marketing

After building your organic traffic through SEO, you can invest in search engine marketing (SEM). With 35% of product searches on Google, making search engines show up on the results page is important. Therefore, before investing in a Google Ad campaign, make sure that you have the right SEM tools to lead you. Some of the best SEM tools are Google Trends, SEMRush, Google Ads Keyword Planner, and Spyfu.

5. Social media marketing strategies

10 Best Marketing Strategies to Improve Business Growth - Social media marketing strategies

Social platforms contribute profoundly to your overall digital marketing strategy because you can improve your fan base and increase your sales. In addition, you can promote your new products, share information, and interact directly with your customers on a social media account, and save time utilizing handy tools to manage all your social media accounts. In this case, a social media account acts as a marketing tool and a sales platform.

Popular platforms involve Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit. However, the platforms you want to add to your social media marketing strategies depend on your target audience.

Facebook is the victorious king, with over 2 billion monthly users. Managing Facebook Ads is a great option for social media marketing because you can target your ads for a particular audience. Instagram comes with 500 million monthly users, and social engagement rates are 58% more than Facebook.

6. Email marketing

10 Best Marketing Strategies to Improve Business Growth - Email Marketing

An email marketing campaign is important to your cold outreach marketing strategy. Since consumers get several emails per day from marketers, you should build a plan that stands out from the rest and turn your leads into customers. First, the emails should be customized for all recipients and have a responsive and device-friendly design.

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Today, with the help of automation, you can create an effective email drip campaign and send emails to a number of people with ease. Moreover, you can obtain analytics with the right tools and discover how many people subscribe to your email list, read your emails, or unsubscribe.

7. Hosting webinars

Studies from Content Marketing Institute show that 58% of marketers utilize webinars, and 35% believe that webinar marketing will be profoundly significant in the future. Why? Webinars are a platform for businesses to share their expertise and generate leads. Webinars are appealing because they address interesting topics and enable viewers to see what your products can do. Advertise your webinar by recording your broadcasts for leads to watch later. They are an outstanding platform to turn leads into customers.

8. Sales productivity tools

Marketing and sales productivity tools go hand in hand to reduce downtime and improve efficiency. Several tools serve different purposes, from allowing video calls, lead generation, conferencing and webinars, email outreach, and CRM.

However, optimizing your sales productivity tools should begin with accurate calculations. You can accomplish this will a sales productivity formula. Though no standardized formula exists to scale your sales productivity, there are some measurements you can utilize to verify if your b2b marketing strategies are working.

9. Podcasts

Podcasts are an excellent way to get insight into marketing strategies and roll out information on your business’s products. The content you or a business representative highlight in a podcast is another way to describe the solutions you provide. The best part about adding to a podcast is that you take advantage of other people’s audiences while still marketing your business. You also get verification from various audiences and establish your online authority.

10. Launch Referral Program

10 Best Marketing Strategies to Improve Business Growth - Referal Program

Referral programs are one of the great ways to attract and engage existing as well as new customers. It’s a cost-effective methodology that helps you retain customers and let them become your brand advocates. The referral program leverages word of mouth to spread out the information that further leads to strengthening brand awareness. One of the biggest examples is the dropbox referral program.


There are so many marketing strategies out there; therefore, it’s up to you which one you want to pick and what suits your business. All the strategies that we have listed above are cost-effective, but out of them, referral marketing is one of the popular, simple, and effective ways to drive customers.

Shivani Goyal

Shivani is a content writer at InviteReferrals, which provides referral marketing software that allows businesses to attract new customers from existing customers through referral campaigns.

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