Little Minds, Big Insights: Why 5-Year-Olds Should Guide Your Product Marketing Strategy

Michelle Strom
Product Coalition
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2023


When it comes to marketing, sometimes the answer is as simple as child’s play. Just as teachers distill complex concepts for young minds, marketers can adopt a similar strategy to captivate their target audience. Enter the Explain Like I’m 5 (ELI5) framework, breaking complicated concepts into easily digestible bites. By embracing the clarity and curiosity of a kindergartener, you also unlock opportunities to form genuine connections with educators.

Remember, teachers are pros at spotting misinformation, so make sure your message is honest and well-researched.

How Kid-Friendly Explanations Unlock New Depths of Knowledge

But the ELI5 framework isn’t just about explaining complex concepts. It can also help you uncover deeper insights into your product’s purpose. By breaking down your product’s mission and value proposition into simple language, you create an emotional connection with your audience, making them more likely to buy into your offering.

The ELI5 framework can help you highlight what sets your product apart from competitors while making it more appealing to users unfamiliar with technical jargon or industry-specific terminology. Here’s how:

  • Focus on fundamentals: Identify and communicate your product’s core value to ensure your messaging zeroes in on what truly matters.
  • Bridge knowledge gaps: Connect with users unfamiliar with technical jargon or industry-specific terminology, broadening your product’s appeal.
  • Build trust: By simplifying complicated ideas, you foster trust with your target audience, who can quickly grasp your product’s value.

People can relate more quickly when they understand what makes up your product’s core functionality and usefulness. By communicating your product’s or brand’s direct value, you’re building a stronger bond between the user and the brand, increasing customer loyalty and advocacy.

Turn Child Simplicity into Marketing Clarity

You create a more effective marketing strategy by simplifying your messaging, identifying what sets you apart, and focusing on how you benefit people. For example, SEO and UX writing share best practices when targeting educators because the language that resonates with them the most is always clear, direct, and squarely rooted in their needs.

Teachers appreciate when content is actionable and easy to understand. A unified SEO and UX writing approach ensures your content is both search engine friendly and tailored to the needs of educators, leading to increased engagement and conversions across channels.

  • Organic search: Educators turn to organic search to find resources and solutions for their classrooms. Focusing on clear and concise language makes your content more likely to rank, making it easier for them to find and engage with your brand.
  • Brand positioning: A strong brand position requires communicating your product’s unique value proposition clearly and simply. Using the ELI5 framework, you can create messaging that resonates with educators and sets you apart from competitors.
  • Email acquisition: Teachers and administrators are inundated with emails, so making your messaging stand out is crucial. By using clear and focused language, your email campaigns can improve open rates, click-through rates, and conversions while growing your email list with engaged educators.

From organic search to go-to-market launches and everything in between, understanding and addressing the distinct characteristics of your audience and market builds trust, improves engagement, and ultimately drives better results in your marketing efforts.

Take a Page from a 5-Year-Old’s Book

Adopting a five-year-old’s perspective in your marketing strategy can work wonders, especially when talking to educators. Emphasizing clarity and simplicity not only makes your message more accessible but also demonstrates that you’ve put in the effort to understand your audience. After all, teachers are experts in discerning who’s done their homework, and a well-crafted, straightforward message ensures you make the grade.



Professional over-thinker on everything from personal narratives to consumer psychology. Currently clocking 4k reads, 5k views, and 3x boosted articles.