Choose the Right Large Language Model (LLM) for Your Product

Let’s talk confidently about how to select the perfect LLM companion for your project.

Baker Nanduru
Product Coalition


Special thanks to: My co-author Narasimha Krishna Kumar.

The AI landscape is buzzing with Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Llama2, and Gemini, each promising linguistic prowess. But navigating this linguistic labyrinth to choose the right LLM for your product can feel daunting.Fear not, language adventurers! This guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to confidently select the perfect LLM companion for your project, complete with a handy scorecard and real-world examples.

Chapter 1: Unveiling the LLM Landscape

Think of LLMs as language ninjas trained on massive datasets to understand and generate human-like text. They excel at crafting captivating content, translating languages, and summarizing information. While this guide focuses on choosing LLMs for user-facing applications (think chatbots, writing assistants), remember they can also revolutionize internal tasks like report generation or data entry.

Chapter 2: Navigating the Decision Matrix for LLM Selection

Embarking on your LLM journey begins with pinpointing the right model based on a series of strategic decisions:

Audience Alignment: Internal Ingenuity vs. External Excellence

  • Internal Applications: Enjoy experimenting with a wider array of LLMs. Open-source models like EleutherAI’s GPT-Neo or Stanford’s Alpaca offer innovation without the price tag but keep an eye on licensing nuances.
  • External Solutions: When your application faces the world, reliability and legality take center stage. Licensed models such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 or Cohere’s language models come with commercial support and peace of mind, which are crucial for customer-facing solutions.

Data Dynamics: Scarcity vs. Abundance

  • Data Scarcity: When data is a luxury, leverage the prowess of pre-trained LLMs like Google’s BERT or OpenAI’s GPT-3, which can be fine-tuned to your domain with smaller datasets.
  • Data Richness: A wealth of data opens doors to training bespoke models. This route promises customization but requires hefty computational resources and AI expertise.

Fortress of Security: Ensuring Ironclad Protection

  • External-Facing Fortifications: Prioritize LLMs with robust security frameworks. Consider models with built-in security features or explore collaborations with platforms that offer enhanced privacy controls.
  • Internal Safeguards: For internal tools, balance security with usability. While protection is paramount, internal applications may allow for more flexible security configurations.

Performance Precision: Balancing Speed with Insight

  • Offline Evaluations: Utilize benchmarks to gauge whether an LLM meets your performance criteria. Look for a balance between response time and insight quality that suits your application’s rhythm.
  • Hardware Considerations: Remember, high-speed LLMs may demand more from your hardware. Weigh the performance benefits against potential increases in operational costs.

Investment Insights: Calculating the Cost of Intelligence

  • Comprehensive Cost Analysis: Delve beyond the sticker price to consider the full spectrum of costs, from the talent to manage the LLM to the infrastructure that powers it.
  • Economic Exploration: For those with budget constraints, explore cost-effective or even free-to-use models for research and development purposes. Hugging Face’s platform offers a suite of models accessible via its API, providing a balance of performance and price.

Each decision point in this chapter is a step towards aligning your product’s needs with the ideal LLM. Reflect on these questions carefully to navigate the path to a successful AI implementation.

Chapter 3: Evaluating LLMs for Tailored Performance

As we delve into the factors that will guide your choice of an LLM, it’s important to consider the specifics that will make your application thrive.

Scope of Application: Internal Innovation vs. External Engagement

  • Internal: Consider multi-language support if your company operates globally. LLMs like XLM-R excel in handling diverse languages.
  • External: Think user experience. Look for LLMs with user-friendly APIs and documentation, like Hugging Face’s Transformers library.

Data Dynamics: From Pre-trained Convenience to Custom Model Mastery

  • Pre-trained LLMs: Explore options like Jurassic-1 Jumbo, which is specifically trained on massive amounts of code for tasks like code generation or analysis.
  • Foundational Model Training: If you have a specific domain (e.g., healthcare or finance), consider domain-specific LLMs like WuDao 2.0 for Chinese medical text or Megatron-Turing NLG for financial news. If you have lots of business data and plan to train the LLM from scratch, then consider LLMs that are cost-effective and flexible for data training.

Security: From Robust Defenses to Continuous Vigilance

  • External Applications: Research the LLM’s security audits and penetration testing reports. Look for certifications like SOC 2 or HIPAA compliance for added assurance.
  • Internal Use: Regularly update your LLM to benefit from the latest security patches and vulnerability fixes.

Performance and Precision: Beyond Benchmarks to Real-World Relevance

This is where things get intricate. Evaluating LLM performance goes beyond generic benchmarks. Focus on task-specific metrics that align with your use case. Here are some examples:

  • Question Answering: Measure accuracy (percentage of correct answers) and mean reciprocal rank (MRR) to assess how quickly the LLM retrieves relevant information.
  • Text Summarization: Evaluate ROUGE scores (measuring overlap between generated and human summaries) and human evaluation for coherence and informativeness.
  • Content Generation: Assess grammatical correctness, fluency, and creativity through human evaluation, along with task-specific metrics like eCommerce conversion rates for product descriptions.

Beyond Raw Performance: The Intangibles That Matter

  • Explainability: Models that offer clarity on their reasoning, like Google’s LaMDA, can be invaluable for debugging and trust-building.
  • Bias and Fairness: Opt for models designed with fairness in mind to ensure your application serves all users equitably.
  • Adaptability: The best LLM for you is one that grows with your needs, offering easy fine-tuning and adaptability for future challenges.

The right LLM for your application matches your specific criteria for success — not just one that tops generic performance charts. Tailor your evaluation to your project’s unique demands, and you’ll secure an LLM that not only performs but propels your product forward.

Chapter 4: The LLM Scorecard: Choosing Your Language Master

Now that you understand the key factors, it’s time to put them into action! The LLM Scorecard helps you compare different LLMs based on your specific needs. Assign scores (1–5) for each criterion, with five being the most important for your project.

Open-Source LLMs:

  • BLOOM (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
  • EleutherAI GPT-J/NeoX
  • Jurassic-1 Jumbo (Hugging Face)
  • LaMDA (Google AI) (limited open-source access)
  • XLM-R (Facebook AI)

Closed-Source LLMs:

  • Bard (Google AI)
  • Jurassic-1 Jumbo Pro (AI21 Labs)
  • Megatron-Turing NLG (NVIDIA)
  • WuDao 2.0 (BAAI)

Chapter 5: Putting It All Together: Example Use Cases

Let’s see the scorecard in action with four real-world use cases:

Example 1: Building a Multilingual Chatbot for Customer Service (External Audience)

Product: E-commerce website with global reach

Requirements: 24/7 customer support in multiple languages, fast response times, and secure interactions.

LLM Options:

  • Open-Source: XLM-R excels in diverse languages, but security features might require additional development.
  • Closed-Source: Bard or Jurassic-1 Jumbo Pro offers robust security and multilingual capabilities but comes with licensing costs.

Scorecard (example weighting):

LLM Comparison: Example1

Decision: Depending on budget and data access, both options could be viable. Evaluate how crucial specific security features and data-driven insights are for your service.

Example 2: Generating Personalized Product Recommendations (Internal Use)

Product: Streaming platform

Requirements: Recommend content tailored to individual user preferences, generate engaging descriptions and prioritize data privacy.

LLM Options:

  • Open-Source: GPT-J or Jurassic-1 Jumbo offers flexibility for fine-tuning your user data.
  • Closed-Source: Megatron-Turing NLG might provide superior performance in text generation but requires careful data handling for privacy.


LLM Comparison: Example2

Decision: Balancing privacy needs with desired performance is crucial. Consider user expectations and explore data anonymization techniques for closed-source LLMs.

Example 3: Creating Interactive Learning Experiences (External Audience)

Product: Educational app for children

Requirements: Engaging and age-appropriate content, factual accuracy, and ability to adapt to user interactions.


LLM Comparison: Example 3

Decision: Depending on budget and specific needs, both options could be viable. LaMDA’s limited access might require more development for interactivity, while Bard’s cost might be offset by its pre-built educational capabilities and faster performance.

Example 4: Writing Compelling Marketing Copy (Internal Use)

Product: Social media marketing campaigns

Needs: Generate creative and diverse marketing copy for various platforms, personalize content for target audiences, and ensure brand consistency.

LLM Options:

  • Open-Source: BLOOM offers diverse language capabilities and large-scale text generation but might require fine-tuning for brand voice and marketing purposes.
  • Closed-Source: Jurassic-1 Jumbo Pro specializes in creative text formats and can be fine-tuned with your brand guidelines and marketing data.


LLM Comparison: Example 4

Decision: Consider the trade-off between cost and performance. If brand consistency and fine-tuning with marketing data are crucial, Jurassic-1 Jumbo Pro’s strengths might outweigh the free access of BLOOM.

Remember: These are just examples, and the best LLM and scorecard weighting will vary greatly depending on your specific product and needs. Use these examples as a starting point and adapt them to your unique situation.

Chapter 6: Conclusion: Your LLM Journey Begins

Choosing the right LLM can be challenging, but with the knowledge and tools provided in this guide, you’re well-equipped to navigate the exciting world of language models and find the perfect partner for your project. Remember, collaboration with your team and exploring different options are key to success. So, embark on your LLM journey confidently, and may the power of language be with you!

Key Links for Further LLM Exploration

Explore the LLM Landscape:

Dive into Open-Source LLMs: BLOOM, EleutherAI GPT-J/NeoX, Jurassic-1 Jumbo (Hugging Face), LaMDA (limited open-source access), XLM-R

Consider Closed-Source LLMs: Bard (Google AI), Jurassic-1 Jumbo Pro (AI21 Labs), Megatron-Turing NLG (NVIDIA), WuDao 2.0 (BAAI)

Resources for Evaluation: LLM Benchmark, BIGBench, LLM Security Lab

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list and new LLMs appear frequently. Keep exploring these resources and conduct your own research to find the perfect LLM partner for your product!

I would like to thank Tremis Skeete, Executive Editor of Product Coalition, for his valuable contributions to the editing of this article.

I also thank Product Coalition founder Jay Stansell, who has provided a collaborative product management education environment.



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