How can you use your Anger to be Innovative

Our lives are all about the actions that we take. An inaction is also a form of action. 
To take any action, we have to spend energy. 

For example, my mental energy was invested in thinking about the content of this post. And physical energy got invested in the time I spent sitting and typing this article. 

And in this post, I want to talk about the fundamental form of energy that we all possesses

"Our Anger"

Anger is energy in an undiluted form. And so it can be molded, it can be channelized, it can be harnessed. 
Anger is like fire, if it stays untamed, it can burn the world. But when it is controlled, it creates warmth and makes life possible.

To understand why I say so, let's first understand what is Anger and why we get Angry?

Why do we get Angry

Recall the last time you experienced Anger!

You were driving to the office and didn't want to get stuck in traffic, but you did and that irritated you. 
You want the kids to behave in a certain way, but they do not, which angers you.

Your boss doesn't listen to what you have to say and that makes you angry,

You read an article about corruption,n and that triggers an angry response in you...

In all the above cases, you got angry because your expectations were unmet?

Anger - The Trigger for Innovation

The world we live in is not a perfect place and many problems need to be solved. Organizations, communities, and government bodies are always looking for Innovation to solve these problems. But,

To solve a problem, we need a trigger; I feel we get this trigger in the form of anger. 

When we get angry about some issue, it means we have seen a gap. A gap between what can be done and what is available, a gap between expectations and reality. 

And these gap needs to be filled. 

Our Anger indicates to us that there are unsolved problems that are waiting for an answer. In other words, there is an untapped opportunity, the opportunity that can be tapped through Innovation.  

Take Action when you get Angry

For example, we get angry when corruption delays our work. We get mad when justice is delayed or not delivered. We get mad at rash drivers. We get mad at hearing about scams. 

This anger can be channelized to find a solution to fill the gap by putting our brains to work - say by mobilizing resources, talking about it, writing about it, or doing whatever you can do to fill the gap. 

Then you have used anger to trigger Innovation. You have taken the first step to tame the raw form of energy and harness it to make a positive difference. 

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