Product Managers from Israeli Startups

Keren Koshman
Product Coalition
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2023


Ever since I took my first step into the dynamic landscape of the startup scene in Israel, proclaimed as the ‘Startup Nation,’ my professional journey has been a continual source of learning over many years.

Tel Aviv’s innovation corridors vibrate with an infectious and invigorating energy. Drawing upon a rich vein of experiences — from leadership roles in engineering to insightful albeit brief stints as a founder and CTO and steering roles focusing on morphing concepts into market-ready products — my tenure in this vibrant ecosystem has been incredible.

During this time, I have continually endeavored to uncover the strategies that spell success and delve deeper into the nuances of the product management community in Israel. I seek to understand why Israeli product managers fail to garner recognition worldwide despite being the linchpin in this rapidly evolving ecosystem.

Canvas of Innovation

In my explorations through the bustling innovation hubs in Tel Aviv and other nerve centers of technological advancement, I marveled at the exceptional ideas metamorphosing into tangible products that shape our future, one innovation at a time.

Yet, despite being in the ‘Startup Nation’ epicenter, I noticed a prevailing focus on groundbreaking technologies and the charismatic entrepreneurs steering them, often sidelining the vital roles that product managers play.

Military Stint

As someone who has witnessed the evolution of leaders in this domain, it’s impossible to overlook the profound influence of military training in shaping the professionals in this sphere.

This somewhat unconventional incubator of leadership has been instrumental in fostering discipline and resilience, equipping individuals with a unique perspective to navigate the complex waters of entrepreneurship.
However, this focus has been chiefly aligned towards nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset, overshadowing the tactical brilliance and strategic acumen frequently demonstrated by product managers, many of whom share a similar background.

Through my extensive tenure, product managers here are more engrossed in the execution aspects, often not receiving their due as strategic thought leaders. They are the unsung grinders, diligently transforming visions into actionable plans and guiding projects to successful conclusions. However, their narratives often remain eclipsed in the grander narrative.

A significant factor contributing to this is the trend of Israeli startups primarily targeting US or European markets. This outward focus sometimes needs to spotlight the ingenious Israeli products and the brains behind them, thus constraining local product managers from establishing a globally recognized name.

Furthermore, the fast-paced milieu of Israeli startups necessitates rapid decisions and actions, often leaving scant time for chronicling and sharing the wealth of experiences and insights garnered by product managers.

As I reflect upon my journey, a deep-seated urge resonates within me — a desire to forge a robust community that embraces Israeli product managers and amplifies their voices on a global stage. It’s my new mission :)



Product manager, mother of three, creating magic. I believe that product is a way of life. Reach out at: