What to buy ChatGPT Pro or Gemini Advanced?

Arpit Chandak
UX Planet
Published in
9 min readFeb 25, 2024


This article will help you figure out where to spend your $20 per month and whether is it even worth it. Especially helpful for Designers and Freelancers.

Am I the right person to guide you through this?

I have been using ChatGPT Pro every day for a year now and Gemini Advanced every day for a week.

So I will try to help you to the best of my knowledge.

Now let’s kick off with a feature difference between both of these.

ChatGPT Pro vs Gemini Advanced feature comparison
ChatGPT Pro vs Gemini Advanced

Now let’s test each of them with different prompts to showcase different scenarios and results.

Prompt #1: Cold email prompt — detailed prompt

You are an expert cold email copywriter specializing in writing crisp, short, and highly converting emails for freelance designers. Use grade 3 English writing.
Your task is to write 5 email templates for cold email.

ChatGPT Pro Response
Sure, I’ll create five simple and effective email templates for cold emailing. These are tailored for freelance designers to reach out to potential clients.

### Email Template 1: Introduction and Offer

Subject: Let’s Make Your Brand Shine!

Hi there,

My name is [Your Name], and I design cool stuff. I can make your website, logo, or anything else look amazing. Do you want to see how?

Let’s chat!

[Your Name]

### Email Template 2: Portfolio Highlight

Subject: See What I’ve Created!

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I’m [Your Name], and I create designs that people love. I’ve worked on some awesome projects. Want to take a look?

Check out my work here: [Link to Portfolio]

Would love to hear what you think!

[Your Name]

### Email Template 3: Solving a Problem

Subject: Need a Design Fix?

Hey [Recipient’s Name],

I noticed some websites or brands could use a little sparkle. Guess what? That’s exactly what I do. I’m [Your Name], a freelance designer who loves making things look better.

Can I show you how I can help?

Best regards,
[Your Name]

### Email Template 4: Special Offer

Subject: Exclusive Design Offer Just for You!

Hi there,

It’s [Your Name] here. I’m offering a special design package this month that I think you’ll love. It’s perfect for businesses looking to refresh their look.

Interested in hearing more?

[Your Name]

### Email Template 5: Follow-up

Subject: Still Thinking About a New Design?

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

It’s [Your Name] again. Just checking in to see if you had a chance to think about that design upgrade we talked about. I’m here to answer any questions you might have.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

All the best,
[Your Name]

Remember, personalization and tailoring the message to each recipient can significantly increase your chances of getting a positive response. Good luck!

Gemini Pro Response

Absolutely! Here are 5 cold email templates for freelance designers, written with simplified language:

Template 1: Show What You Can Do

  • Subject: Can I make your website look better?

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I’m [Your Name] and I design amazing websites. I saw your website and I have ideas to make it even better for your customers.

Can I show you a quick example [next week]?

Thanks, [Your Name]

Template 2: Focus on a Problem

  • Subject: Is your website slow?

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

Slow websites can make people leave. I can help you fix that!

I’m a web designer. Can we talk about making your website faster?

Thanks, [Your Name]

Template 3: Offer Something Valuable

  • Subject: Free website ideas for you!

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I’m [Your Name] and I want to give you some fresh design ideas for your website — totally free!

Interested in a quick chat?

Thanks, [Your Name]

Template 4: Be Super Direct

  • Subject: Need a better website?

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I’m [Your Name] and I make great websites for businesses like yours.

Want to see some of my work?

Thanks, [Your Name]

Template 5: Mention Past Success

  • Subject: I helped [Similar Company] get more clients

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I’m a web designer, and I just helped [Similar Company] get way more customers with their new website.

Could I do the same for you?

Thanks, [Your Name]


  • Keep it very short! People read quickly.
  • Ask a question. This makes them want to reply.
  • Include your website or portfolio link. Let them see what you do.”

Prompt #2: Image Creation

Create a minimal theme picture showing ChatGPT vs Gemini using there logos

ChatGPT Pro Response

Gemini Advanced Response

None were good enough, but they can be used for asset creation or wallpaper generation, nothing complex yet.

Prompt #3: Analysing UI and giving feedback

You are a Lead Product Designer

You are launching your new product UiPedia, which is going to be a library of UI screenshots of websites everything from all internal to external screens.

Tell me all the design changes to achieve following from this coming soon page

1. Tell if they sign up now they will get access to all beta features + a free guide, you need to suggest what all possible free guides will be sensible for prospective customers of UiPedia
2. They need to give their email ID and the industry they work in, this is so we can gauge if there is demand for that industry

So you need to provide me following things

  1. What free guide will give exponential value to potential customers of this website
  2. Design & copy changes that need to be done

ChatGPT Pro Response
To achieve the goals stated for the UiPedia coming soon page, here are the design and copy changes that could be implemented:

Free Guide Options for Potential Customers
The free guide should be a valuable resource for users interested in UI/UX design. Here are some suggestions:

1. ”The Ultimate UI Library Starter Pack”: This guide could include tips on how to effectively use UiPedia, best practices for UI/UX design, and case studies of successful website designs.
”Trends in UI Design”: Offering a guide that explores the latest trends in UI design, with a focus on different industries, would be valuable for staying current.
”UI Design Principles for [Industry]”: Tailored guides that cater to specific industries, offering insights into best practices for that particular field.
”Maximizing User Experience in [Industry]”: This guide could provide strategies for improving user experience, tailored to the user’s industry.
”Integrating UI Libraries into Your Design Workflow”: A guide to teach users how to effectively integrate UiPedia into their existing design workflows.

Design & Copy Changes
To reflect the offerings and requirements, the following changes could be implemented:

1. Headline Revision:
— Current: “Join UiPedia’s Exclusive Beta & Master UX Breakdowns with Our Free Guide!”
— New: “Sign Up for Early Access to UiPedia Beta & Get Your Comprehensive UI Guide Free!”

2. Subheading and Bullet Points:
— Revise the subheading to clearly state the benefits and requirements. For instance:
— “Get immediate access to UiPedia’s beta features and enhance your design skills with our tailored UI guide. Just let us know your email and industry!”
— Add bullet points under the subheading for clarity:
— “✓ Full access to beta features”
— “✓ Free industry-specific UI design guide”
— “✓ Insights to boost your UI/UX expertise”

3. Form Fields:
— Email Address Field: No changes required.
— Industry Field: Modify the placeholder text to be more instructive, such as “Select Your Industry (to customize your guide)”.

4. Call-to-Action Button:
— Current: “Get My Beta Access and Free Guide”
— New: “Unlock My Beta Access & Industry UI Guide”

5. Reassurance Text:
— Place a brief line of text below the call-to-action button to reassure users about the value of the guide:
— “Your free guide is packed with actionable UI insights tailored for your industry!”

6. Visual Cues:
— Include an icon or image of a book or guide next to the call-to-action to represent the free guide visually.
— Display a sample page or cover of the free guide to entice users.

7. Trust Signals:
— Modify the spam reassurance line to be more professional and direct:
— Current: “We will never spam you ;)”
— New: “Your privacy is respected — no spam, ever.”

8. Testimonials or Endorsements:
— If available, include a section for user testimonials or endorsements from industry professionals to build credibility.

9. Footer Information:
— Add links or information about the team or company behind UiPedia for transparency and trust-building.

Implementing these changes should create a more compelling and informative coming soon page that clearly communicates the value of signing up for the beta and the free guide, as well as tailoring the experience to the prospective customer’s industry.”

Gemini Advanced Response
Sure, here are some ideas for a free guide that would give exponential value to potential customers of UiPedia:

Guide ideas:

  • Mastering UX Breakdowns: This guide could teach users how to identify and analyze the UI components of different websites and apps. It could include tips on how to spot common UX patterns and best practices.
  • The Ultimate Guide to UI Design Trends: This guide could provide users with an overview of the latest trends in UI design. It could include examples of popular trends and how to implement them in your own designs.
  • Building a Design System: A Beginner’s Guide: This guide could teach users how to create and use a design system to ensure consistency and efficiency in their UI designs.
  • How to Conduct User Research for UI Design: This guide could teach users how to conduct user research to improve the usability of their UI designs.
  • 10 UI Design Mistakes to Avoid: This guide could help users avoid common mistakes that can make their UI designs less effective.

Design and copy changes:

  • Headline: The headline could be more specific and benefit-oriented. For example, instead of “Join UiPedia’s Exclusive Beta & Master UX Breakdowns with Our Free Guide!”, it could say “Get Instant Access to UiPedia’s Beta & Download Your Free Guide to Mastering UX Breakdowns.”
  • Subheadline: The subheadline could be more descriptive and explain what UiPedia is and what users can expect from the beta. For example, instead of “A platform built for a new way of working”, it could say “UiPedia is a library of UI screenshots that you can use to find inspiration, learn from other designers, and improve your own UI designs.”
  • Call to action: The call to action button could be more prominent and persuasive. For example, instead of “Get My Beta Access and Free Guide”, it could say “Start Your Free Beta & Get Your Free Guide Now!”
  • Form fields: The form fields could be simplified and made more mobile-friendly. For example, instead of asking for users’ industry, you could ask them to choose from a list of popular industries.

Additional suggestions:

  • You could also add a social proof element to your landing page, such as testimonials from early users of UiPedia.
  • You could create a sense of urgency by highlighting the fact that beta access is limited.
  • You could make it easy for users to share your landing page on social media.

By making these changes, you can create a landing page that is more likely to convert visitors into beta users and paying customers.

I like the ChatGPT Pro response more, it’s more friendly to use

Final Conclusion

All in all, though Gemini Advance is improving and getting more advanced, and also has integration with Google products. It’s still not as good as ChatGPT Pro which in general currently is a better AI product.

Let me know what’s your opinion.

👋Hey there, If you are interested in more UI/UX-related design topics do follow me on LinkedIn and Medium.

Also here are some great free UI/UX resources on Gumroad & Figma Community. If you want some guidance check out my Topmate. Do check them out :)



Freelance Product Designer who loves sharing experiences. Check free design resources at arpitchandak.gumroad.com