PM Toolkit — the resource kit to Product Managers and product people

A directory with references, links, contents, resources and more.

Diego Eis
Product Coalition


I wrote (in pt-br) an article called “A lot of content to you that start now like Product Manager”, where I put together a bunch of useful links and other contents to Product Managers and people that work with digital products. The post was very helpful to some people and because of that, I create a little side project where I put together many references, links, contents, resources, books, blogs and more about product management. The project is called PM Toolkit.

The PM Toolkit is divided into five categories with sub-categories:

  • Tools: services that product people need to know to execute your daily job;
  • Content: places to find content to read and listen;
  • Events & Meetups: if you like to network and get news, these links will make you very happy;
  • Courses: where you will find some great courses about product management;
  • Jobs: maybe you want to find a place more like you.

If you know that is missing something interesting that worth is in that directory, be free to open an Issue, Pull Request or submitting something to GitHub.

If you like the project, please, share! :-)

