ONE THING on What Kills OKRs

The one thing that kills most OKR implementations? Not using them often enough. Unlike old-fashioned approaches to goal setting, progress on OKRs is meant to be measured frequently, maybe even weekly. (Facebook tracks metrics daily.)

This is because OKRs are not about judging success or failure in the past. They are the headlights that tell you whether you are still in your lane or drifting toward oncoming traffic. If a particular project is not delivering results, well-written OKRs will tell you early so you can set it on the right course (or drop it in favor of a more promising initiative).

How often do you measure and review your OKRs? If it’s quarterly or even less frequently, you are missing a lot of the value. Discuss.

For more, check out this article on how to product teams can best use OKRs.

Happy Holidays
To one and all! I'll be taking a break next week and so should you.