ONE THING on How You Got Here

Theater professional? Graphic designer? CS nerd? How did you get to product? An unusual path? What have you learned from your background that has translated well into product? What are the skills you wish you had? Me: I was an English major. Communication is one of the top skills needed in product. What's your story?

20% off Business of Software Conference
I’ll be speaking about Impossible Outcomes: How to Win by Changing the Game at Business of Software in Cambridge, UK next month. Iconoclastic organizer Mark Littlewood has agreed to give you all a 20% discount on tickets. I also negotiated a 20% discount on a bundle with my Product Roadmapping Masterclass held after the main conference. Who is coming? Ping me

A few weeks ago, we ran a contest: What business advice are you glad you didn't listen to? The amusing winner was Rodan Zadeh: "Long ago I was given the advice to consider becoming a professional coach for my vocation (for those who know me, this is funny on so many levels)....." Rodan wins a copy of my book, Product Roadmaps Relaunched. Plus a coffee or beer with me (real or virtual) to chat about Product. Claim your prize!