ONE THING on Roadmaps 95% Wrong

I am a big proponent of the outcome roadmap: one that focuses on the big picture and vision for customers rather than a long list of features that are often changed, plus dates that are often missed. You can read my article on outcomes vs. outputs here.

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What's interesting is a recent interview Product Culture coach Phil Hornby did on his Talking Roadmaps channel. He spoke with Marty Cagan, pioneer of product learning. Marty said that around 95% of roadmaps get this wrong, focusing on features rather than outcomes. That’s a big number. My question to the group: does your organization have an outcome roadmap? Or is it drowning in features? Let me know.

Product Culture coach Melissa Appel will lead an open discussion for CPOs on Roadmaps: How to Justify Product Investments, February 29. How do you decide what to invest in? How to measure its success? How do you win stakeholder support for it? Register here.